December 21, 2023
Time 3:42am
Operation Cosmic Gunslinger
Target—Aliens / Dumbfuck humans working with them
Location—Where ever they can be found
A quick check on THEIR news and I see Israel is still pursuing their genocide in Gaza. I politely asked them to get the fuck out of Gaza. My position hasn’t changed in one day.
We are almost into our fourth year on the alien war against humanity and many are still trying to figure out who the enemy is. It use to be Fauci until he retired. I kept my finger pointed straight at RocHELLe Walensky and the 11 other Jews at the top of the CDC for an entire year. I felt alone because not many made the connection to shape-shifting aliens. Can’t you see them? Rub your eyes a little harder.
The one who boasts the loudest in genocide #1 and takes all the credit for introducing an untested medical procedure has a cult like following. There has to be some serious alien mind control going on. I believe he could come out and announce he intentionally attempted to kill humans and that he is an alien and his supporters would remain. Maybe even grow. Try it alien. You have nothing to lose.
Donald Jeffries wrote a good article yesterday and I replied in the comments asking if it is a crime to call someone an alien. Do lizards who are impersonating humans have any legal rights in America? Maybe this is how the Democrats can finally take down Donald Trump. They could subpoena me and my evidence. Robert Kennedy Jr could be the Dems prosecuting attorney, look like a hero and then become President of the United States. Then another war, and another, and another.
The End
Hello alien.
Pretty face. How are your hands looking? Seems a few of you are having trouble with your right hands at this event but I’ve captured a few lefties having trouble too. Another bad hand day huh? Is this why you keep telling humans to look in your eyes if they want to spot an alien? I love it when you aliens look directly into the camera. I can almost hear you say, “Hello Mike.”
Alien, you don’t notice when your friends are having trouble holding human form do you? You only see aliens right, not them impersonating humans? Humans call this deception. What do you call it—fun?
Alien you are standing directly behind the man in the red tie so you can’t see what I can see. Look at the human index finger on the phone.
I’d say that is exceptionally long for a person that is only three feet tall. I’m guessing on the height alien because I can’t find a head or body for the hand. It shoots up somewhere below the man off to the right of this photo. This finger alone isn’t enough proof for humans. Not even the top alien hunters will believe this is an alien finger. You know what they will say, “that’s weird.” I know because I’ve tested these expert alien hunters. And then they go off and write another alien book. Maybe I should write an alien book. I bet mine would read a lot different than theirs.
On the phone screen I see what appears to be the profile of a bald man on the right side and not a red tie. What do you see alien? It looks like there is another bald person in the background. I don’t see any bald people. Even after rubbing my eyes real hard.
That thumb looks a little odd too. It’s changing color isn’t it? Now we have two digits on one hand that don’t look human at all and the president of the United States is standing right in front of it. Does he know he has an alien in front of him and behind him? Jesus Christ where’s his security team?
President Trumps face should be the entire screen alien. What is going on here? What kind of phones do aliens use? They are shit compared to our technology. You should switch. But, now the aliens finger is changing color too. A common theme at this event. And then a node appears on the finger. At least that’s what I’ve been calling them for the last ten years. What do you call them alien?
It’s dead center on the index finger. It then travels up the length of the finger and disappears. Humans can’t do that little trick alien. You aliens should really be more careful with your digits. Some of us are looking and if you don’t get the fuck out of Gaza and stop murdering humans we will expose you. A friendly reminder from my talk yesterday. Do aliens have short memory?
It then travels up the digit.
Compare the two photos.
Alien, here is the last frame before it disappears and this THING is standing right in front of you and President Trump. If you knew would you be smiling?
Next frame alien. Your facially expression remains the same. It happens that fast. The human eye can’t see it and if it does the human mind will just say, “That’s weird,” and look for the TV remote.
It’s gone.
Compare the blonde aliens expression. It doesn’t change, nor does the image of Trump.
Alien magic. And look at that lump of skin that has formed at the base of the digit. What is that?
“Nobody will believe you Mike.”
“Some already do alien. Maybe I don’t need them to believe alien. Maybe I can do this alone. You know I am the Cosmic Gunslinger. Mention my name to your boss. Okay, alien I’m with you. The top alien hunters will just say, “it’s weird,” but the photos are taken off a video alien. They aren’t photoshopped. Bigger problem for you and the happy President. See attached video alien. Get the fuck out of Gaza now alien. You know I have the BIG alien bomb. You know it’s a video. Get out of Gaza. Bye alien.”
The VRR Alien Series HERE.
Alien digit starts at time point 26:37--26:50
More coming