September 14, 2022
Day 928—only 47 days til freedom
Delivery time to recipients: 9:11am
Greetings Lawmakers, assistants, council members, and health ickspurts,
What a special Halloween we will all have in Wa. State thanks to Governor Inslee. What do you suppose he’ll dress up to be? Have you picked out your costume yet? Last year I was IT. This year I’m going to be the REAPER in memory of all of the precious souls who have died from the deadly, “safe and effective,” shit shot, and because I just bought two vintage scythe’s. For now, they’re in my garden.
I wonder why the Reaper carries a scythe.
My “no more state emergency” Halloween celebration drink of choice is going to be an easy bottle of Pendulum red wine. I like the name too.
Any idea why Governor Inslee thinks the only people who are a virus spreading threat are state workers? These people must at all cost be vaccinated, but all other businesses are free to hire un-vaxx’d. Help me understand? Google has a vaccine requirement. Employees want it dropped. Expect some search engine failures.
Google’s junk anyway, and Kirkland should have never allowed Google in. Plunked right down in a housing development. There goes the block, and city. All of those old beautiful homes with porches on the front knocked down by Google geeks who make way too much money. Is it just a coincidence that the COVID-19 launch party happened in Kirkland the same city where Google is located? Are there dots to connect here?
Back to Inslee’s state employee’s are the only one’s who must be vaccinated thought, even though the CDC has corrected one of their many, many, many error’s and said, we are all the same now—En Lak ech. Am I just missing it? I know I’m trying to crawl inside the head of a WEF madman, but all of you have an office next to his. He must blurt something out that gives you better clues than what I receive. All of you have my private email, and if you just say, “please don’t use my name in any of your reports,” it will remain between you and I. Although, I will try and sell you on the idea of letting me publish you as an anonymous person with an office next to Governor Inslee’s. That could be anyone.
Does anyone have Governor Inslee’s secretary’s email, or mailing address? I believe she was standing in line in front of me at a Starbuck’s and she dropped her $10.00 Starbuck’s card. I’d like to get that back to her if I could.
Other state horror news. School suspends 142 bus routes because they have no drivers. Hey, I have my CDL license class B endorsement. I’m fit, healthy and looking for a good bus driving job. Oh, I see, vaccination is a requirement. Ahh, a little fuck you on that one. Starving to death sounds like a better way to go then the horror of having an embalmer hand my family 22' of blood clots in a jar and say, “Here’s what’s left of Mike.”
It get’s uglier if that’s possible. See below.
But wait, there’s even more Wa. State transportation blues. I was in the beautiful traffic jammed city of Mill Creek yesterday and there was a billboard reading—COMUNITTY TRANSIT is offering a $5K bonus for anyone who wants to be a bus driver. That’s me. Ah, but vaccination is required. Driving off the side of the 520 bridge while clutching my chest and plunging into Lake Washington with a full load of screaming passengers is not my vision for exiting this life. That’s another, ahh, fuck you.
I was in Seattle last week driving down 4th Ave and at Pioneer Square there was this homeless guy with a sign.
I stopped and yelled out, “HEY, I GOT MIKE.” I gave him $10.00.
Here’s one for Dr. Shah and you other health &^#$#’ers pushing this shot. The top shit dog public health officer in Australia came out and said THE VACCINES ARE KILLING PEOPLE.
That is his exact words, or close. They are suddenly dying in their homes from something called myocarditis. It’s supposed to be real bad and it is a common adverse reaction from the vaccines and everyone knows it except government officials and health iiickspurts. Are Health Experts suddenly waking up? My brother-in-law is having tightness in his chest right now as I type to go along with his tremors. Tried to warn him. He’s a great guy too. Tragic.
BREAKING NEWS-- 2020 election was rigged—stolen. Aren’t they all?
Top #1 mis-information or dis-information spreader or both, Steve Kirsch, just posted a link to a movie on the 2020 stolen election. Just so you know I kind of discovered about 35 years ago that the two-party tyranny system was just one bird, two wings and the same shit, so I haven’t paid too much attention to elections. I am now. And, I’m a big time bird guy. I know my birds. It’s 4:39am and there is a Barred owl in a tree across the street. However, I was intrigued back in 2016 when Hillary was going to steal the election and it got stolen away from her. That was amusing. I’m more focused on the genocide war. That’s really my place.
Lastly, have any of you looked into this plane that crashed into the Puget Sound on September 4th? The plane supposedly went straight vertical and the pilot didn’t put in a distress call. People like me are wondering if he suddenly died, pushed the yoke forward and took nine other people to their grave. And people like me wonder if he has been vaccinated. You see where I’m going with this? If you do look into it ask the Coast Guard why they thought this pontoon float plane’s destination was Seattle International Airport.
I have a lot more, “also ask,” questions but let’s start there.
There’s a belief that owls are messengers.
They frequent my garden often. I have awoken many nights to an owl-jumped out of bed, raced outside, and record them wearing nothing but my underwear. There’s a visual for you. Once I grabbed a flashlight as I raced out to the garden. A Great Horned owl was in a tree nearby. The owl was close and this was going to be a great recording session. I wanted to see the owl so I started searching for the owl in the tree. Suddenly, some words flooded my head, TURN THE FUCKING LIGHT OFF. I switched it off. True story. Below is some of my documented visits. I typically record them about 12 to 13 times a year. This year is off the charts. There was a two week period in August when they were here every night. August 26th, there was a barred owl in one tree and a Great Horned in the other. This was a recording first for me. Do they understand each other? Do they both have the same message?
Das ist alles, dully elected. God willing my report will hit your inbox next Monday at 9:11am unless there’s breaking news on CNN announcing it was all a hoax, created by a bunch of psycho paths who want to murder seven billion people and that includes me. Sorry, I can’t participate. I got a garden to grow. I am the only Caretaker for the famous Ghost Gardens. I can’t leave yet. Look for me on the next genocide.
Be cool and remember you are servants,
Author note: I am aware that if you use more than one, “many,” in a sentence it doesn’t make it anymore many, but I do it anyway. I’m a rebel writer.
Reciept of delivery:
gov insleeze is a sick sadistic pig who enjoys inflicting misery on people (ironic that he receives the majority of votes in washington state), so that is why he will stick it to the wash state employees anyway he can - and what a better way then with a vaccine dictate. insleeze's attitude is that the state employees work for him and thus their asses are his.