Washington State Lawmakers Aliens Are Here
What are you going to do about it--have more meetings?
Good morning elected officials and health imposters,
As we transition from the CV19 operation warp speed vaccine program to keep us all safe from a virus, into a global effort to fight the fierce Hamas living underground beneath hospitals in Gaza, and into an alien invasion we once again look to our elected leadership for guidance—NOT.
Please don’t make any attempts to keep us safe from aliens. We’ve had enough of your kind of safe. What is your definition for the word safe? I emailed you once a week for over a year and you couldn’t answer it. Stay in your office and lock the door. Ignore the sounds you hear outside while we’re dealing with these alien beings that have infiltrated every human institution on planet earth including our government.
One the most recent sightings of aliens was at a shopping mall in Florida. Did you hear about this? Eyewitness testimony, which means nothing, (better to wait for CNN’s version), said that three 10’ alien beings were seen walking inside the mall. There are video cameras inside the mall but they haven’t been released. Outside cameras show frightened shoppers rushing outside. Eyewitnesses said they heard gunshots inside the mall from one of the over 150 dispatched police officers. The airport was closed and power to certain parts of the city were shut off. That is the eyewitness version. CNN has their own version that counters the eyewitness version.
CNN claims that the more than 150 police officers were dispatched to deal with a stick fight from some youth. They claim the stick fighters have been arrested, all four of them. They claim there were no aliens wandering the mall and the entire story is just alien conspiracy.
Elected, our government may have been invaded. They may be in the Congress building with you right now. Are there tunnels under the Congress building? If so cement them up. There is also a rumor that comes attached with good solid proof that Donald Trump isn’t human. There you go Democrats, that’s how you can get rid of him. Show him as the alien he is. But keep in mind there’s also a rumor that comes attached with good solid proof that Hillary Clinton isn’t human. The snake told you it was a snake so don’t be surprised if it bites you.
Back in 2016 just before the election at the 9/11 Memorial of which Donald and Hillary both attended, and as you know Hillary had a minor medical crisis and had to be loaded into a van. Luckily for all of us she got the medical attention that she needed at her daughter’s apartment. Her arm was repaired, and she was good as new.
Of course, CNN didn’t show Hillary’s arm that got blown off while she was standing there swaying back and forth. Question: How many very secret security agents does it take to load a malfunctioning Hillary Clinton into a van.
Answer: 12
CNN started the overheated Hillary narrative and repeated it ad nauseum. The Wolf Blitzer showed the video of her being loaded into the van 40 times in a row. How did all the people on planet earth miss Hillary getting her arm blown off?
They missed more than just her arm lawmakers. Hillary’s very secret security team had supernatural powers on that day. Their hands were able to float through metal rails.
Go look at the video. It’s still up on YouTube.
Lawmakers and health impersonators does the right hand of Hillary’s very secret security man, or THING, look like a human hand to you? I’d say no and if it isn’t a human hand can we make the leap that it is possibly an alien or some other THING?
How did CNN and the highest paid journalist in the world miss this back in 2016? It’s bigger news than Hillary.
Elected, we are now living in times that fit the final scene of John Carpenter’s movie The Thing. They are mimicking humans and walking amongst us perhaps even in our shopping malls. Maybe we need special glasses to see them. They Live.
Does the government have any of these special glasses? If so I suggest you start handing them out to the citizens of the United States before these aliens complete their aggressive agenda against humans.
Didn’t you just have a meeting on UFO’s or as you prefer to say, UAP’s?
Recent headline news
The New York Times—U.F.O.s Remain a Mystery to Lawmakers
NewsNation—Classified UAP briefing yields ‘significant’ results
And people are starting to believe that government is lying to them about aliens and have been lying to them for over 50 years.
Maybe this is how government escapes the Covid 19 vaccine scam that has killed and injured millions. I went to a funeral in November. She died of a heart attack after taking the CV19 vaccine. Of course, her doctor is baffled.
Elected, blame it all on the aliens. After all it is their agenda to exterminate humans, I speculate. Throw it out elected as a real threat and the aliens must be exposed wherever they are. Does CNN have underground parking? Drive the aliens back to their safe underground bases, circle them and trap them there. Easy operation and government looks like a hero and the masses forget all about GOV’s involvement in the CV19 vaccine disaster. What other options are there they are popping up all over the place.
There’s another group of beings calling themselves The Cosmic Gunslingers. They might be the reason the aliens are popping up, I speculate. Have you heard about them? This group is bypassing GOV and going after the aliens and claiming they are shutting down the aliens portals they use to travel around. You could piggyback on their successes and claim it as your own. Although that might piss them off. Chance it and do it anyway.
Pinching it off here dooly elected. Email me if you need more ideas on how to find the aliens and if some of you are aliens LOOK OUT!!!!
I bet she can hear real good. I wonder if she knows there are aliens here? I bet she’s not smiling now.
The Vaccine Reaper Report Alien Series HERE.
You're on fire Mike! Things are gettin' real good. Thank you!!