In one of my posts, I wondered if CNN has an underground, maybe even tunnels. Tunnels are kind of the new buzz right now. We are synching up on tunnels. Ufology people have known about them for a long time. They’re looping back around now as pedophile tunnels. Maybe these fucking aliens like children too. Wasn’t there kids in the movie ET? Wasn’t there a little girl in Alien 2?
Some large cities have an underground city. Seattle does. What goes on down there after dark? Could there be aliens down there? Could they shape-shift into a human walk amongst us at our shopping malls, select a few humans, mind zap them into obeying zombies and simply lead them underground? Possibly as long as their human shape-shifting technology doesn’t malfunction like it appears to have done in Miami. There’s a very credible witness who posted on Twitter. It’s blocked on my computer but I can open it from my phone.
What would they like me to search for—the Cosmos atrsoanguineus?
Link here or there
Atlanta Georgia is a city with an underground city. Seattle has one too. Atlanta’s is currently closed. It was once operated as a very successful business venture, but for some reason businessmen didn’t want to be successful anymore so it closed down. One article I read said they are waiting for another businessman who wants to start a very successful business venture. Atlanta is also the location for the mega news organization CNN. Does CNN know there’s an abandoned city underneath their HQ?
Last October CNN moved into their new headquarters.
I wonder why they had to move. Too successful for the old HQ or is it for the number 33? It doesn’t look like they downsized any. That’s the downside of being too successful you need a bigger building that will require underground parking and probably have tunnels with elevators. Very expensive.
“You keep working your sources Christiane Amanpour.”—Christine Romans
I’m still liking 1/11 @ 11:11am, but I need to get off my keister and get working. I bonked last night at 6:30pm. Pathetic. But I awoke at 2:30 thinking about aliens and feeling great. I clocked into the insanity at 2:48am. This might be an overtime day.
That’s it. I’ll attempt to get my alien photos into an art gallery. Hang with me a moment on this alien idea. I think I have hundreds of photos of these THINGS. How cool would it be if I make all of my own unique frames, some will have rusted chains hanging off them, use only showcase glass and display these aliens in an art gallery? Maybe call the display THEY LIVE. Wine will be served and certain select songs will accompany my top 25 aliens.
I made this plain jane frame the other day. It’s made from old cedar boards. When I was done I took a blow torch to it to give it a burnt up look as if it was rescued from an underground fire somewhere. I then douched it with three coats of polyurethane.
This one is 18”X24”. Showcase glass for this size is $93.00. Too much for this starving artist. My wife’s response when she seen the frame, “You are not hanging that alien in this house.” Wait until she sees the finished product. She’ll change her mind. My challenge will be to find the right gallery. I’d love to find one in downtown Bellevue near Medina where Bill Gates lives, ladies in high heels and evening dresses and the men in tuxedoes and the alien artist in 30-year-old jeans, boots, and a cowboy hat.
I showed you alien Christiane Amanpour’s hand in yesterday’s post. That is the color of their skin underneath them mimicking human skin. At least for a certain race of aliens. Probably reptilian.
Right off the video. You can download it and see the same THING.
Melania may not be reptilian. That is the vibe I am getting. I know what you’re thinking, and I’ve already thought it, how can they breed then? Maybe they fucked around in the lab in their underground base in Dulce New Mexico and created Baron from the once human Donald Trump. I’m also open to the idea that they still have Trump alive. To be determined.
See Melania’s right hand.
And Trump never walks with her, only in front of her.
Her hand is massive. She had some serious problems keeping it in human form. Note: all of the hands in the lower part of the screen. It’s as if they are almost telling us, see we’re human, look at our hands.
A few frames before the above Melania’s right hand looked like this and this is the money shot.
I welcome all of you two second debunkers to please debunk it for me. I’ve only been studying the video for seven years.
It isvery noticeable without even zooming in. At the party Melania was always shown blocking her right hand.
Worth noting her left hand is in a fist. I am not sure what those two things poking out are. On that hand she has a giant ring on and it has a $ sign on it. Also worth noting is the middle finger of Ivanka’s husband. I’m of the opinion that none of the people you see in this picture are human. The little girl is smart to keep her hands clasped together. There were only two kids at this happy family presidential celebration, the little girl and Baron.
The alien weren’t too smart picking out their costumes for this event. The ladies showed too much alien.
I welcome the two second debunkers on this as well. On the video the node just disappears a lot like the alien finger video I posted.
As she turns to face the camera her leg does this.
This KellyAnne Conway is not a human. Ivanka was another one who shouldn’t have worn a dress. You can see what looks like a bone or enlarged something running down the length of both legs.
I have a few nurses who are subscribers as well as a few doctors. I’m hoping one of them can comment on the legs. It might give us a look into their bones and muscles.
Why wouldn’t my wife like this picture with a special hand crafted Mike Huggins frame hanging over the fire place? I call this piece, BREAKING ALIEN NEWS.
There’s a very fascinating story on how CA became the highest paid journalist in the world. You should research it. Maybe we should do away with the handshake, at least until we can get rid of these THINGS.
“I’m going to CA with an aching in my heart.”—Robert Plant
One of the embedded messages for the aliens.
My alien encounter was on 11/19/2016. On my anniversary 11/19/20. 3 I ran the recorder all night. It captured a host of paranormal and possibly alien visitors as well. I meant to post those audio files but got swept away with the urgency to start my alien material, GO TIME.
Here’s is one of the sounds that the recorder captured at time point 2:24:22. File 231119_2042.mp3
Thanks for the link to the Twitter post.