“How in the hell do you expect to get away with it?”—Senator Malcom Roberts
Dobryden, dooly elected servants of the people, assistants of the servants, city council member servants, and health official THINGS.
In three years the United States government has been able to completely flip everything upside down. Don’t panic elected. It’s your plan, your design. We the people can easily see this. You’d have to be a complete fucking idiot to not see it and there are a few them, but we’re not judging their stupidity; at least not yet.
I won’t go into all the illustrations of your upside down plan, but to name a few a boy is a girl, or a gurl, or a piece of cheese pizza. Love is hate, or the other way around. Black isn’t white it’s racist. Confusion and chaos are normal. Crime isn’t crime—it depends. And you bring back old school mental warp’ism, evil is good. Defining evil gets tricky too. If Dr. Fauci slipped and fell into a crocodile pit and the crocodile’s assisted humanity and ate him would that be evil? I vote no.
Update to the above, March 10, 2023—Jill Biden presents the women’s international courage award to a male.
Amongst the chaos big tech companies are laying off tens of thousands in the US, meanwhile the railroad is begging for anyone to apply.
Why doesn’t anyone want a high paying job with the railroad where trains routinely jump off the track while hauling toxic chemicals? Government claims its normal operations. A commentor has it all figured out.
Then how did we build the World Trade Towers, Trump Hotel & Casino, the IRS, FBI, CIA and the Kingdome in Seattle if nobody wants to work anymore?
I remember back when the Seattle Seahawks were using coercion on Wa. State government. Voters opposed a new stadium. Fuck that. We’re not building a new stadium when this concrete structure will last 300 years or more. Remember that elected? It failed, but there’s always a special session rescue plan that has lots of money hidden.
There should have been a revolution before the dust settled.
As all of you know King County Executive Dow Constantine gave a twenty-four minute state of the county address the other day.
KOMO News 4 had the best photo to lead into the speech.
There was a slight delay at the beginning of this 24 minute ass licking presentation because apparently Dow didn’t know where the meeting was. Council member Reagun Dunn had to go find him and lead him to the podium. Luckily, Dow was met by a standing ovation.
Translation of the 24-minute back slapping, ass licking meeting—Everything is great. Wonderful. We’re great too. We’ve never done anything wrong over the last three years. New wonderful projects on the horizon. A trillion-dollar underground train proposed by Sound Transit is a “win, win.” Don’t mention who is going to pay for it. Plenty of money so don’t even ask or go there with that thought. We’re buying buildings to house all the homeless that we created. The buildings are being bought on the cheap as businesses flee Seattle do to massive crime. Soon they will all be living far better than you. Plenty of police officers for crowd control at Seahawk games and other sporting venues—a billionaire sports owner requirement and DONE.
Dow didn’t say Covid 19, or vaccine but he did say pandemic once or twice. He didn’t mention the illegal firing of County workers who could not be coerced into a medical experiment which was promoted by him as “safe and effective.” Released emails from public health officials mid-summer of 2021 show they knew the CV 19 shot was ineffective and that it wasn’t the unvaccinated who were getting sick but rather the vaccinated. The county continued to pimp this dangerous experiment onto the residents of King County any way the could.
On Feb 6, 2023 King County dropped the CV 19 requirement and no apology to the County workers who were terminated. One month later and none of the terminated County workers have been offered their job back. There have been County meetings. It goes like this:
County Council Member: This 30-minute meeting has been very beneficial. I’d like to repeatedly thank everyone even though I’ve already thanked everyone three times. Have I forgotten to thank anyone? We almost completed item number one so why don’t we schedule an additional meeting for next week and see if we can complete it and then tackle the other 32 items. We have 30 minutes open next Thursday. Does that work for everyone?
Elected did you use propaganda during the plandemic?
Have any of you purchased your Saucony running shoes yet? Hurry. Don’t go cheap either.
Does anyone believe owls are messengers?
I do.
Pinch it here elected. The VRR will be back again to inform, educate and give you the street dirt next week God willing. By the time you wake up on a Thursday Tuesday is gone.
“When this train ends I’ll try again.”
I'm in a rural area, so the owls are plentiful.
I think that they are trying to invite the ducks out for a midnight snack.
It wasn't too long ago that if you could shovel coal, then you could learn to code. So now are we saying the opposite? Layed off tech workers can join the blue collar work force? Damn right!