VRR #35 Wa. State Lawmaker report--COVID 19 THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY
Russia might nuke Yellowstone--rumor--NOT TODAY SATAN
“Mike, wake up……ALIVE.”—Spirit voices recorded August 7, 2017 Lunar Eclipse at Ghost Gardens
We enter day one of year four elected. Humanity is still standing. The vaccinated injured are waking up too. They are asking why. Can you answer that question? I’ll throw in my why question. Why didn’t you just fucking leave us alone?
Dooly, you’re incapable of leading. We’ve lost all confidence in our elected officials. I fired all of you in one report. None of you left. Hey, it was worth a shot. At least I fucking tried. The Brunson Brother gang tried too. They took the long road.
We won’t give up. If we can’t remove you from office, we need to reduce your responsibilities, your workload. It’s too much for you. We’ll reduce you to pothole fixers. Wherever there’s a pothole in the road you fill it. We’ll supply you with a shovel.
“You see, in this world there’s two kinds of people my friend, those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.”—Angel Eyes
We don’t like bumpy roads. If you can master that one lone task as an elected pothole filler we might add additional assignments like clean the rest stops and stock them with toiletry.
There was one that wasn’t stocked adequately in California last November. I discovered this after the fact. That’s where this whole idea came from—sitting on a roadside shitter in need of toiletry near Willits California. And don’t worry about money. We’ll pay you more to do less. A lot more. We know how much all of you like the fake green. All you will be required to do is just show up in DC, go to the capital building and debate which potholes should be filled first. Then go back to your plush office, grab your shovel and hop in your assigned government vehicle and hit the job site.
Democrats can ride with Republicans. Also, Vice President Kamala Harris can ride in a yellow bus to the work site if she wants. If you are appointed President or VP we’ll allow you to also ride in a yellow bus. Do you like yellow buses? Do you like Venn diagrams? Maybe we’ll paint Venn diagrams on the side of the yellow bus.
Elected Government job titles will be re-classified as State Legislator Pothole Filler, or State Senator Pothole Filler. President of the United States Pothole Filler etc.
Recently the scientist that most of you put your Covid 19 vaccine faith in has come out and said the vaccines are shit. Secret inside source reveals he was never a scientist. Someone in US Gov should have looked into this. We wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in right now.
What do you say to the American people, “Oooops, sorry about that. Look up there a UFO. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. WE’LL SAVE YOU?”
Maybe elected you should have asked for some data. Looked for safety data. That would have been a good idea. Did any of you do that? Do you have proof, saved emails, recorded phone calls, text messages? It might be good to have if one day you’re asked for it in court.
Continuing the beat down on Dr. Fauci, just yesterday Governor DeSantis said Fauci should be held accountable. Then shouldn’t everyone else who stupidly coerced and enforced Dr. Fauci’s insane Covid 19 virus therapies be held accountable too? We think so.
Wa. State media, KOMO News is reporting that all your Covid 19 ideas to combat a fake deadly virus failed. They have the research to prove it.
Remember two weeks to flatten the curve? Wasn’t that your second lie just behind Governor Inslee’s lie that a person died in Wa. State from Covid 19? Have any of you asked him for a name? Have you asked to see the autopsy report? Have you asked for the name of the doctor who signed the death cert? Why not, aren’t you curious?
Quarantines didn’t work. Shut-down everything stay at home didn’t work. Six feet apart rule didn’t work. Face masks for two fucking years didn’t work and that is why all of you have a new title as State Legislator Pothole Filler. You do get an assistant. Not the one you have now, the one who does all of your work for you. State public health officials will be your assistants. Verbally abuse them however you like. Get creative.
PS if KOMO would have expanded their research outside of US cities, they will discover they didn’t work in any city on this planet. A global failure. Elected, DON’T EVER TAKE ADVICE FROM THE FUCKING WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. An organization that is near and dear to our own public health impersonator--Dr. Umair Shah. Fact check me.
A few reports ago I gave you some good advice. I told you to invest in a pair of Saucony running shoes. At this point in the war I’d advise you to wear them at all times. I typically double tie them for long runs.
They are awakening dully. Their question for you is why. It’s a good question. Do you have a good answer prepared?
Thanks Sci. We’re all connected.
Thanks for the best line of today, imo
Do you like yellow buses? Do you like Venn diagrams? Maybe we’ll paint Venn diagrams on the side of the yellow bus.
And I had a pair of Saucony once, but I never figured out is the c is a hard c or a soft c. Best and thanks from Portland OR....a little lower down....