VRR #34 Lawmaker Report. An index / bibliography / museum, or whatever you want it to be
every report in one report--ain't it funky?
“Little surprises around every corner but nothing dangerous.”—Willie Wonka
Please start song now. It might enhance your browsing experience. It helped mine writing it.
February 22, 2023
Day 1,087 WEF War Against Humanity
US Launch Date-February 29, 2020 by Wa. State Governor Jay Inslee
Estimated Humans Harmed-8 Billion
The Vaccine Reaper Report was started in the beginning of February 2022. The early reports went out to King County Council members. The early message was, DON’T FIRE THE UNVACCINATED. THEY ARE NO THREAT TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE. They fired the unvaccinated deeming them a threat to the public and their co-workers. We now know through internal emails that state public health officials new in the summer of 2021 before Governor Jay Inslee’s vaccine mandate policy for state employees that the unvaccinated were no threat. The emails revealed to Wa. State government and publick health officials that it was the vaccinated getting sick and not the unvaccinated. State government along with the public health impersonators decided to keep it a secret. Nobody will find out—push the covid 19 vaccine anyway, make it mandatory as a condition of employment and fire anyone who does not comply. The healthy were terminated for their decision to remain healthy and safe, free of government harm.
The report expanded to include state legislators, their assistant’s various other city council members across Wa. State and public health impersonators. The report challenged state lawmakers for proof the covid 19 vaccine was safe. The reports showed CDC’s own data that it was not safe, but extremely harmful no doubt leading to many unfortunate deaths and injury. All of those deaths and injuries will be revealed.
I decided to publish the reports. On August 19, 2022 I created an account at Substack, created a name, THE VACCINE REAPER REPORT, and the weekly reports became accessible to all of Washington State residents as well as everyone else still alive in this genocide.
The goal of the VRR is to stop this genocide.
To all Lawmakers, assistants, city council members,
Many of you have been thinking that it sure would be nice if Mike would make an index a bibliography, a library, or a museum of all the VRR reports. Maybe even an art gallery. I thought your thought was a good idea. Your best so far. Your thoughts manifested below minus the library, museum, or an art gallery, but I like the thought.
Here are all the reports with summaries and professional links for easy access. Reports 1-10 were all published on August 19, 2022. There’s a computer glitch with a double #30 report posting. An in-house investigation is pending into the glitch. This is report #34 which should be report #35. Shit.
VRR #1
Covid-19 Vaccine death comes knocking on your door. It continues. White House predicts death for the unvaccinated. Ooops, they got that one entirely wrong. Researchers in 2021 predict mass Covid vaccine death, and we close with an abundance of life in my garden. Grow food elected. Eat healthy. You won’t need pharmaceuticals.
VRR #2
Vaccine death spreads, babies, young, old and politicians. Gov vaxx fantasies. More vaxx death.
"In this world there are two kinds of people my friend, those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig."--Angel Eyes
VRR #3
Jan 1, 2021 Wa. State becomes a closed record state. Highly suspicious. Names of WA.State vaxx deaths. Death by county. Vaccine death poll. Sudden actor deaths.
“The Nazi holocaust was just a dry run for what we are witnessing right now.”—Dr. Zelenko
VRR #4
Sirens, sirens and sirens. Wtf? Gardens are deadly. I’m going to call bullshit on this, but it’s in this report. New acronym SANDS—Sudden Adult Near Death Syndrome. Santana faints on stage. Vaccinated sport legend deaths. More vaxx death.
VRR #5
Georgia Guidestones obliterated. Now how will we know how many of us you want to keep alive? Austrian health minister says doctors are liable for vaxx death. Why isn’t that on the nightly news? US political turmoil. Typical since 1776. Evergreen Medical Center occult numerology. Doctors testify before senate. Senate response—Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. More vaccine death. “Everyone has a plan until they’re punched in the mouth.”—Mike Tyson
VRR #6
“The CV19 vaccines are bioweapons.”—Dr. David Martin
Woe. Our elected should contact him. Airline industry woe’s. Six pilots suddenly die from the bioweapon. Woe. Name after name of CV19 vax death. Quote / Counter quote with our own Jay Inslee. Can you hear the Reaper knocking?
VRR #7
What did you do during the Covid crisis. We will find out. Did you ask for the safety data? Did you ask what ingredients are in the V? CV19 lies exposed. Good comment from the #1 Covid misinformation spreader—Steve Kirsch. I disagree. The number #1 position belongs to the person who started the lie—Governor Jay Inslee is your number one coronavirus Covid 19 misinformation spreader. That’s final. Sudden Adult Doctor Death Syndrome. They should have asked for safety data, a list of ingredients. More vaxx death. Ghost Gardens is filling up.
VRR #8
A ‘baby die-off’ — is underway.”—Naomi Wolf
Courts rule against vaxx mandates. We thought they were on your side. President Biden tests positive for Covid again and again. US vaccine death count at 29,790. US Gov response—keep it going. Pop quiz—what is the name of the first person in the US who died from CV19?
VRR #9
Definition for the word evil. Joe Biden. Rage. The myocarditis pandemic. Death. WEF’er news. Definition for the word evil. Joe Biden. Rage. The myocarditis pandemic. Death. WEF’er news. Cool picture of a dragonfly in my garden.
VRR #10
Day 898 in Covid hell. CDC shuts it down but keeps it going. RAGE!!! Dr. Fauci throws a first pitch for Mariners in the dugout. Fauci is a mass murderer. Vaccine death by manufacturer. Dr. Birx’s writes the worst book in America. Death and this quote, “We’re running out of time.” Senator Mitt Romney
VRR #11 Aug 20, 2022
Dr. Birx admits they fabricated Covid policy. Gov response, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Rage builds. The VRR editor has a hint on March 16, 2020 the CDC are fucking lying about everything and should be investigated immediately. Gov response, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Wa. State buys motels for quarantine and paints them black. New Jersey Governor lifts vax state requirements. Almost two years later Wa. State governor still insists state employees are disease carriers, spreaders and must be vaccinated or YOU’RE FIRED GODDAMIT! Who is driving this insane bus?
VRR #12 Aug, 27, 2022
We get a little woke. Can we change our state name to Wokington? Monkey pox is a gay disease. Ferries run like shit under Gov Inslee’s draconian CV19 policy. Ghost Garden just grows and grows.
VRR #13—Skip this floor and go to 14. Let’s not take any chances.
VRR #14 Sep 5, 2022
Surgeon General says stop buying these goddamn masks. Gov response—buy more. Wa State CV19 how did we do happy sad face poll. Sad. Dr. Shah pimping vaxx. See Dr. Martin quote above. Can we get the two doctors into a public debate? FB vax comments. Not good. While my guitar gently weeps.
VRR #15 Sep 9, 2022
Why didn’t I wait until 9-11-2022? VRR spread out by county. Many added to the toilet read. Governor Inslee pulls a date out of his ass and decides Halloween is a good day to drop Covid state emergency. Nothing changes. Kirkland council gets an ass reaming. My mom lied. I went to public skools and I’ve never been vaccinated for anything. Go to heaven and arrest her. I dare you.
VRR #16 Sep 14, 2022
Warning—Foul appropriate foul language used. Rejoicing the end to the emergency. Hiroshima never even went into an emergency after we nuked them. Questioning the mind of the criminally insane. School bus routes suspended. Lack of vaccinated drivers while I sit at home with my CDL unvaccinated. Australia health minister says vaxx is killing people. Election rigging. Plane crashes into Puget Sound kill all aboard. A strong chance the pilot was vaccinated had a heart attack and Wa. State gov never looked into it. Why? Owls are messengers.
VRR #17 Sep 19, 2022
The Q report. CV19 vax death count at over 30,000. Probably way higher. Wa. State health offering bad advice. Impersonators. Covid 19 test dropped at your door. “How the hell do you expect to get away with it?”—Senator Malcom Roberts
VRR #18 Sep 30, 2022
Officially no longer recognize Wa. State health officials as experts. They are ixpurts, or expurts, impersonators, imposters and Nazis. VRR self praise. VRR promoted to the ends of the earth. VRR goes through a bunch of states looking for people afraid of a virus. Trip report. A few kick in the balls, another beat down on Dr. Shah, a solid kick in the balls for him and a 9:11am delivery.
VRR #19 Oct 8, 2022
Reduced subscription rate for over paid state politicians and unhealthy state ickspirts. VRR billboard idea. Erect it outside the Governor mansion. Jill Biden pushes poison onto children. VAERS update.
Gov response—Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Wa. State response—pimp it. Owls interject with a message. Vaccine Death.
VRR #20 Oct 14, 2022
Will Universe eliminate you as a conscious energy source for participating in this genocide? I asked Universe directly and Universe won’t tell me. Why? War is a lack of creativity and imagination. Are we all human? Doubt it. A dead barred owl and one of its feathers in my office. Notice the barn door I made. I didn’t make it in a barn. Hangman.
VRR #21 Oct 24, 2022
“I’m a gods gift Mike.”—Entity in Moclips Washington
Hospital almost lets friend die because he tested positive for Covid 19. Vaccine death under the radar. Not the VRR radar. What is Gov’s official definition for the word safe? Repeat every week until they can come up with a definition. Who owns the CDC? Does WHO own the CDC? Governor Inslee attends church. Smiling faces tell lies and I got proof. Oh yeah.
VRR #22 Nov 1, 2022
Governor Inslee’s mental emergency crisis ends. Nope. 41,000 vaccine dead and a question for the CDC. More proof Governor Inslee is the number #1 misinformation spreader in the US and possibly the world. My Twitter has two followers, but they’re very popular.
VRR #23 Nov 8, 2022
The red wave that didn’t happen. Everything remains the same. Senator Murray wears size 13 shoes. Voter drop boxes illegally parked. I’m not allowed to vote because I don’t know how to write my name the same way three times in a row. My official new signature is X.
VRR #24 Nov 21, 2022
Possibly skip asking lawmakers and heeth exspurts any questions and let assistants answer them all. Safer for humanity. Does the vaccine cause Alzheimer’s disease? Musicians dropping dead. California vaccine billboard report.
VRR #25 Dec 1, 2022
Exact number of CV19 dead between 41,000-4,059,000. Doctors aren’t reporting it. Trip report through the hallways of Evergreen Hospital after Inslee announces first US death. No virus found. CDC billboard idea. Me in my hot tub after writing this report. This is the exact spot where I heard about the first US Covid 19 death. I stepped out, toweled off and entered the war.
VRR #26 Dec 15, 2022
Day 1,020 of this fucking bullshit. In 1776 would Americans allow this to go on for nearly three fucking years? There would have been a revolution in three days. I show it’s all a hoax. I fire them all. The town of Winlock Washington declares Governor Inslee mentally incompetent to hold office. The penalty for violating the Nuremberg Code hasn’t changed. A rope goes around your neck. A squirrel goes crazy and eats the faceplate off one of my birdhouses.
VRR #27 Dec 25, 2022
“For what should it profit a man if he should gain the world and lose his soul.”—Mark 8:36
A good question for them to ponder over their Christmas break. I extend Christmas wishes.
VRR #28 Jan 3, 2023
Football death and other big name deaths. Doctors remain baffled including our own Dr. Shah. Damar Hamlin is dead, then alive, dead again then making heart signs with his fingers. Wa. State has the first “tripledemic” virus in the world. They made the name up too. Nobody knows what happened to the doubledemic. Health ikspirts are also moonlighting as actors. You can’t make this shit up. They do. “You’ve got to pick up every stitch.”
VRR #29 Jan 11, 2023
Rage. Mine, yours and the vaccinated rage. The Damar $camlin Clothing $tore. Did we win? The Brunson brother gang and Satanist Priestess Rihanna doing a little devilish dirty dancing. This is a very black report. Black as in darkness.
VRR #30 Jan 19, 2023
WEF news—it died. Personal introduction. New Zealand leader throws in the towel. He calls it quits. A sign WEF is dead. Elvis is re-united with his daughter due to the CV19 vaccine. Defib’s being placed on sidewalks. Death, death and death. “How the fuck do you fuckers think you’re going to get away with it? We’ll hunt you down.
VRR #30 Jan 24, 2023
Well this is embarrassing. How in the fuck did I end up with two VRR #30’s? Emergency staff meeting immediately. Maybe we call it VRR #30.5. This is the Dilburt report where he declares the unvaccinated the winners. We knew that. Also, Wa. State in big fucking trouble. Health impersonator emails reveal they knew the vaxx was shit on July 1, 2021. This is before Gov Inslee’s announcement to fire all state employees who don’t take the vaxx. AG Ferguson has done nothing. Rage.
VRR #31 Feb 1, 2023
The end of the war is announced—May 11, 2023. Why not right fucking now. That’s ok. Maybe we need to wait on the vaccinated rage to get going. Project Veritas nails Pfizer good. Then Pfizer nails PV creator. He now will come back and nail Pfizer worse than he did the first time.
VRR #32 Feb 6, 2023
A decision was made to remove health impersonators from future title if we remember to do it. We can’t even get the fucking numbers right. Thailand thinking of suing Pfizer into hell where they belong. Swiss President also going to hell.
VRR #33 Feb 16, 2023
The train derailment in Palestine. Did Israel do it? Maybe they were over here and decided to attack Palestine….again. Can’t it at least be debated? Gov response to the disaster, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…fart…..zzzzzzzzzzz. I offer a way to save taxpayers a shitload of money to bring down balloons.
In 34 /35 weeks of writing this report to Wa. State politicians and those other things only a few have responded. Two legislators, five assistants, one city council member and zero health impersonators things. Not bad. I’m encouraged. The VRR logo as of February 22, 2023.
VRR #35 March 1, 2023
Special three year anniversary. A wise old owl was once asked how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop. He performed a scientific test, one lick, two, three. It took three. Just like the Kazarian war against humanity. We finish them this year. In this post all of the lawmakers get new job titles and job requirements. Of course there’s a pay raise. Gladly.
VRR #37 March 9, 2023
US Gov has intentionally flipped our culture on its head. Jill Biden gives an award intended for a woman to a man. Examples of other gov corruption in Wa. State.
VRR #38 March 16, 2023
Universe may not extend an invite to those participating in this genocide so this is it. They’d better suck as much as they can in this lifetime and pray they won’t ever die. They will.
I leave you with a final question from Senator Malcom Roberts. Please listen to the attached audio.
Mike, I definitely commend your seemingly tireless efforts
Just saw this - Another force vaxxed Washington State employee dies tragically of ...