February 1, 2023
Day 1,068 WEF war against humanity
Estimated dead 1 billion
Estimated harmed 8 billion
Government response—DO NOTHING
Greetings Servants,
President Biden makes a big announcement, The covid 19 emergency will end on May 11, 2023. Why not today? What makes that date better than today? Joe is being countered by the WHO. They want to continue on because look around the world, people are dropping dead. It must be from Covid-19. On my logo above Ben Beale who was very fit and suddenly died his doctor found “little known killers.” Doctors are now saying the common cold causes heart attacks. Elected, it sounds like bullshit.
Assistants, a big thanks to all of you for the last 31 weeks. You read the VRR and forward it on to the state Rep with the exception of Rep. Rick Larsen. He blocked the VRR. Assistants as more wake up you will see a massive uptick in emails. Please be sure and forward all of them on. It’s your boss’s position as a servant to respond and we have noticed if it’s anything Covid 19 or vaccine related they won’t respond. I don’t know but it might even be illegal if you don’t show an email, or mention it to your representative who you are working for. Please forward them on.
Elected, the Epoch Times posted an article recently making serious accusations about you and our public health officials. The claims are that you and health impersonators in Wa. State knew in 2021 that the vaccines were essentially shit and possibly harmful. The have email proof of this. I sent it to you a few reports ago. What have you done to address this? You continued pimping the Covid vaccines as safe. Please look up article 1 of the Nuremberg Code and read it. You might have violated that Code which is still recognized by nations around the globe as law. Be sure to read what the penalty is for violating that law.
In 2021 you knew the vaccines did not stop infection or the transmission of Covid 19. You knew that the vaccinated were far more infectious than the unvaccinated, yet you still allowed Governor Inslee to punish those who wish to opt out of a medical experiment. He terminated state employees for their decision. This issue needs to be addressed ASAP. You need to contact Attorney General Bob Ferguson and demand he look into this. State employees who were terminated must be re-instated immediately as well as firefighters and health care professionals.
Below are a series of very important videos that you need to watch. The lead off is the CDC in 2009. She addresses the vaccine refusers like me. I’m white.
CDC 2009-- “vaccine refusers, just get rid of all the whites in the United States.”

The next video is a medical whistleblower who explains in detail why the shots are administered in a staggered sequence. I love her mask.

Pfizer is In this video Project Veritas interviews an employee of Pfizer who basically made claims that intentionally manipulating viruses to create vaccines and increase profits. This sounds like we are being attacked by a pharmaceutical company and the evidence that this is indeed going on is the dead names on my logo.
Project Veritas interviews an employee of Pfizer who basically made claims that Pfizer is intentionally manipulating viruses to create vaccines and increase profits. This sounds like we are being attacked by a pharmaceutical company and the evidence that this is indeed going on is the dead names on my logo.
Project Veritas attempts to awaken the sleeping masses with a van parked in front of the Pfizer building in New York.

Representative Scott Perry, there needs to be consequences.

Two weeks to flatten the curve, social distancing, lockdowns, deadly virus, Omicron, Son of Omicron, Monkey Pox, triplepandemic, mask wearing in public places, vaccination, boosters, “safe and effective,” Warp Speed, lockdowns, business shut downs, closed parks, closed forests, follow the science, we’re all in this together, sounds like bullshit. Be sure to see the next video of a gentleman at a city council meeting. RAGE
“There’s been a lot of talk about the Nuremberg Code, well I brought you a copy. You are in violation of section 1.”
You're doing great work, Mike. You've made the Acknowledgments of my upcoming book "Masking the Truth," for whatever that's worth. Maybe you'll be besieged with requests for interviews. You quoted Carol Baker as having said the "White people" thing in 2009. I have her in my book saying the same thing in a panel discussion of the National Meningitis Association on May 9, 2021. Did she say this twice? Maybe she is just really obsessed with getting rid of White people. Except for her, I guess, and maybe any other Whites she likes. Thanks!
Of course I kind of wish this whistleblower says the truth, because white blood cells can reproduce and the body kan free itself from toxic substances. But would all this talk about gene therapy just be a lie? No spike factory in my cells? I am not sure about that.