VRR #30 Lawmakers, assistants, CC & health imposters
VRR #30 Lawmakers, assistants, CC & health imposters
Day 1,055 WEF war against humanity
Estimated dead 666,033, 011
Estimated injured 8 billion
“We didn’t lose the game; we just ran out of time.”—Vince Lombardi
Greetings again servants and health imposters. How is your WEF build back better going? The big news is the WEF suddenly died. We heard Jan 16th attendance was off by 50%. Was Governor Inslee still able to go with Senator Cantwell? Was Rep. Rick Larsen able to go with Marysville mayor Jon Nerring? I believe mayor Nerring has relatives there. There’s a rumor Klaus wasn’t there due to Covid, vaccine sickness, or fear. Where is Satan when they need him? He’s running too. You better run.
New servants, my name is Mike Huggins and I am the editor of The Vaccine Reaper Report. It goes out weekly for free to Wa. State lawmakers and your assistants. It is Covid 19 / Vaccine information that you won’t hear from WEF Dr. Umair Shah or our WEF governor. It’s truth. The truth is the entire Covid 19 is a hoax. Created by psychopaths like Jay Inslee, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Anthony Fauci and others. You should probably reverse the order. Some of the people who pass you in the hallway are also in their little take over the world club. Prepare to run.
Their plans are now falling apart, and the bugs are scattering. Evidence of this was at their recent meeting in Davos Switzerland. An embarrassment for Dr. Evil. Governor Inslee can provide you with the additional information, but will he tell the truth? Doubt it.
New Zealand leader Jacinda is throwing in the towel and calling it quits. She claims the role comes with too much responsibility. The WEF burnt her out. He said something that is the complete opposite of what John Kerry said at the WEF conference. She said, “politicians are human.” We think not. Humans don’t attempt to murder their neighbors, and family members via an injection designed to harm and kill. He went along with that plan. Perhaps it’s time elected for one of you to propose a bill that all US elected officials must prove they are human. I will gladly write it for you. Who will be next to join Jacinda?
Elected, if you look at the names of the dropped dead on the VRR logo you can see there is a lot more added on since last week. I started the names on December 22 when Franco Harris suddenly died. It’s grown to 31 since then. The most notable name is Lisa Marie Presley. Yes, she did receive the vaccine and it no doubt caused her death.
Bad mistake believing you. The same mistake that Dori Monson made and our Mariner Lee Tinsley. For you newly elected servants-Representatives and assistants, here is a question that none of the previous Representatives, the CDC nor Dr. Shah have been able to answer over the last 10 months.
It seems easy newly elected, but for some reason your co-servants either don’t know the answer or are afraid to answer. Take a SHOT at it.
Updated deaths: WEF has just been added to the VRR logo. Phone booths are being turned into defibrillator outlets for anyone suddenly having a heart attack.
Sudden death strikes politicians too, but we will be carefully screening these as possible fakes. Australian Senator Jim Molan suddenly dies at 72.
Ravi Srinivasan 37, suspected cause of death is Covid 19 vaccine.
Jake Stevens High School teacher. Suspected cause of death Covid 19 vaccine.
Vaccinated actor Julian Sands disappears after going hiking. Did he suddenly die on the hike? Elected, someone suggest putting out a government public announcement that no vaccinated should hike alone. DON’T MAKE IT A LAW.
Here’s a person who took the vaccine and is on his way to death but he’s not going our sudden as all the above. His is a slow painful death. His story has gone viral on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. There’s no more censorship elected!!!!! You lost. It’s out there in the open now and you’re exposed. Remember the title to last week’s report, SELF RAGE. The rage is coming and the WEF rats are scattering. Keep an eye on J. We are keeping an eye on all of you.
Below is Mike’s daily writings as the vaccine tears through his body.
And we close with a question from Senator Roberts with some added rage from the VRR.
Saucony running shoes might be your best choice.
Eight-year-old boy drops dead after a short jog. He stops. He grabs his chest. Then puts his hands on his face and drops dead.
Video shown here.
Elected, health impersonators, do you still want to maintain the vaxx is safe? There might be time to save yourself otherwise get your Saucony running shoes.
And we finally close and pinch it here dully. I’m taking my staff out to lunch and hoping one of them offers to pay. Governor Inslee still enforcing the illegal vaccine mandates on to state employees while other governors are dropping it. If you see J at the drinking fountain, ask him if he plans on going down with the ship or will he run.
Run, run, run,run,run,run,run,run,