December 1, 2022
Day 1,005 WEF war against humanity, “how long oh Lord, how long?”
Time: 9:11am
“My friends and I are collecting cheap prom dresses to give to girls who can’t afford them for their proms.”—Lauren Bush
Hola, lawmakers, assistants, city council members and health impersonators, and how is your Covid 19 doing on the first day of December? I’m sorry I don’t have the exact number of vaccine deaths for you on this report. I’m not happy about that. It’s somewhere between, 41,000 and 4,059,000. The way I came up with that is I took what the CDC is reporting off a previous report 41,000 vaccine dead. There’s a claim doctors are only reported the V deaths at 1%. They should all be stripped of their license for this and arrested. It’s fucking up our death math.
If they are only reporting one percent of the deaths there’s a possible 99 number floating out there that I can use. I then multiplied the 41,000 number X 99 and came up with 4,059,000 safely dead American’s. Elected, would that number be enough to maybe get you to start thinking the product is shit?
Dully, do you remember where you were when you heard the news that the first US death happened in our wonderful woke green state? Do they inform lawmakers and heeth exports first? I still don’t have an official time of death, death cert, autopsy report, associated doctor, name, or face. Do any of you have any of that on the first person to die from Covid 19 in the US, in our woke state? I’m not a detective but if you handed me the incomplete information listed above and told me you have a death, I’d hand it back to you and tell you at best you have a missing person.
I was in my hot tub when I heard the breaking news.
It wasn’t snowing that day as I recall. Overcast skies I believe. My wife came out and informed me. Back then we had a TV and she kind of watched the bullshit lying sacks of shit news. I never did. The scripts were horribly written. Check out those steps elected. Hot tub company wants $200 for plastic steps made in Wetwong China. All of that wood I found on a beach in Moclips Washington. Free. I like free elected. Free is my favorite. I know none of you like free and that’s why you let Jay raise my taxes 33 times. I bet J loves the number 33.
After I learned of the tragic news that there was a deadly virus that plunked down in my backyard, I put on my Sherlock Holmes hat and went to Evergreen Hospital to look for it. Kind of tricky because I don’t know what a virus looks like, but the doctors and nurses would know. Their face should show it. I’m looking for FEAR elected. Nervousness too. Maybe a little sweat streaming down their faces and onto their mask.
I’m also looking for blockage. “Sir, you can’t come into the hospital with an Iphone in your hand filming. There’s a deadly virus in there.” Statements like that are a strong clue a virus is present and medical professionals are attempting to keep the public safe.
I enter Evergreen not through an unlocked side door. I go straight through the front entrance. It faces south. I did stop and gaze at the building before I went in. It’s a historical building now.
I’m thinking of buying a bus and starting up a touring business where I take them by the hospital. I drive them all around it and tell the Covid 19 first US death story. I’ll have pictures of Governor Inslee posted on the walls inside. Pictures of him at the podium giving out the sad news—maybe even give them a poster of Jay. Any chance he’d be willing to sign about 200,000 of them for me? I’m kind of thinking most of my customers would be Chinese and that’s not a racist statement, so don’t go woke on me.
Easily, and freely, I walk through the front door. I take this escalator up to the upper floor. There’s this little pastry coffee shop at the top. I thought about buying a bagel and a cup of tea. I see a janitor dude janitoring. No mask on him or the pastry girl, or me. This is a hospital. The staff knows a mask does nothing to stop a virus.
Standing next to the janitor I film down a long hallway. If I walk down this hallway it should lead to the emergency on the other side, but it doesn’t. It leads to getting lost. I know because I’ve walked it several times and I’ve always gotten lost. I opt out because I didn’t want to get lost in a building with a deadly virus and nobody inside seems to care. I could die, couldn’t I? Are hospitals intentionally designed to make people get lost? Every goddamn hospital I’ve gone into I get lost in.
Okay, I need to long story short this. Nobody does jack shit to stop me from roaming around the hospital with an iphone in my hand. I returned several times after same fucking thing.
One day I came out and there was all these cameras set up across the street, lights, and more. It looked like Stephen Spielberg was shooting a movie. I walk over and ask them what’s going on. This dude tells me he works for a news agency in Florida and they sent him all the fucking way out here just to shoot video of the outside of the hospital. We laughed.
I told him I just came from inside and shot video all over the goddamn building. I told him to take his cameras and crew inside where all the action wasn’t happening. He said they, the news agency he works for, don’t want video of inside only outside. He told me he might try and interview a cute nurse if one walks by. I told him he should interview me. He said I wasn’t cute enough. Asshole. Everyone’s a fucking comedian.
Finally dully elected, I get stopped at the front entrance. They set up security now. Can I Sherlock Holmes the security? They ask, “Are you here to see a patient?”
“No I need to take a pee. Can I use the bathroom?”
“Sure. It’s right behind us around that wall and down the hallway a little way.” They just got Sherlocked. From here I can wander anywhere. Long hallways leading all over that will surely get you lost. I’ve already shot all that video so no need. While I’m taking a pee I think, can I out Sherlock them again? Try it Mike.
I exit the bathroom and back out to security. “Thank you kindly. I thought I was going to pee my pants. Is it alright if I go into the cafeteria and buy a sandwich?”
“Sure it’s just over there and to your left.”
“Can I buy you one?” They laugh and shake their head. I laugh too. I buy a bag of chips, exit the building and wave at them all. Sherlock conclusion—their ain’t no fucking deadly virus in that hospital.
I published it on this Substack. I’m not going to provide you with a link to the article. I have 160+ articles on here. You are going to have to possibly read them all to find it. While you’re reading consider becoming an upgrade to paid subscriber. I’m running a special promo this month. I call it the upgrade to paid doctor profitoffagenocide promo. If you don’t upgrade you aren’t allowed to have the full experience and to damage you even more I won’t allow you to comment on any of my articles. This is torture. No access to the author.
Elected, is it morally wrong if you’re a doctor and you happily profit off a genocide? I think I’m asking the wrong people. Scrap that question.
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The CDC refuses to answer my question, what is their definition for the word “SAFE.” Do any of you know why the CDC can’t answer that question? I’ve been working on a new billboard. I attempted to sell it to a billionaire to profit off a genocide. He ain’t buying. Tell me what you think? I’d really like to get this put up right near the Seahoax stadium.
People are still mysteriously dropping dead. Doctors remain baffled.
It’s a mystery to me why anyone would even go to a doctor anymore. It baffles me. Do the mystery deaths baffle you Dr. Shah?
Additional FREE VRR News
Not even my free subscribers no this. This is breaking VRR news. I’m writing my first screenplay. Actually, it’s my second. The first one was the sequel to the movie the Shining. Danny goes to the same hotel that drove his dad nuts where his dad tried to murder him. Danny is determined that the evil spirits there won’t be able to possess him. He’s a minister. Cut to the end. He turns out exactly like his dad, but he actually has sex with the evil hag in room 237. Sex sells. I’m going with it.
In my new screenplay I’m doing the sequal to the movie Turk 182. I’d like to cast a few of you--just bit parts. I’m the main star. I would like to see if Timothy Hutton is still pissed off and maybe add him in.
I haven’t started the writing yet. I’ve been working on the movie poster. I like to get those done first and then do the writing.
I’m sticking with the ONE MAN, ONE MISSION, ONE MESSAGE slogan.
I’m pinching it here elected. Your war against us is going good. We’re winning but you don’t know it. We pretend you are winning. We pretend monkeypox is real. That’s Mpoxable. Can I create the name for the next variant? The Evil twisted cousin of Omicron who is also a nymphomaniac.
Senator Roberts emailed me. He still wants to know how in the hell you expect to get away with it. Anyone want to answer that? Notice I used lower case for his question. I like to mix it up.
I’m off like a ripped apart cheap prom dress, but oh what a night.
Receipt of another 9:11 delivery. The VRR keeps getting better and better each week. We crave your attention.
👍! Haven’t watched the news since the stolen 2020 election and haven’t regretted it one minute! Mainstream media SUCKS. Great post!!!
Enjoyed your investigative romp through the hospital looking for The Deadly Virus.