The Ufology community has done an excellent job of keeping the public completely fixated on flying saucers since at least the 50’s. And here we are in 2024 still talking about their shape, size, color, and how they fly. Rarely if ever is anyone inquiring about the beings who just might be flying them. If we can figure out how they fly these space craft maybe there’s a way to make a profit. Maybe there’s an easier way to kill people. A faster way. We need a few of those in our military.
Last summer Congress once again played along as if they are listening to those who believe UFO’s are real. They had another hearing that went no where once again. I paid no attention to it. Let’s get to the aliens that are here. I spot them by their hands, or a voice comes in my head and says, “Christiane you aren’t looking too good.”
Human hands don’t look like this. Why not take pictures like this into Congress and ask them what the fuck is this? I probably have a hundred or more pictures of alien hands and my closer is Christiane Amanpour. Why not bring her CNN picture into Congress in a custom rustic frame with chains hanging off it? What would Congress say about that? Would they seize it as a security risk? Maybe play the video on a 74” Sony HD television. That should really blow their mind. I’m guessing they’ve all seen her alien hand before, so no mind blowing but they might be alarmed that someone else out there has alien video. Let me go before Congress and talk about alien disclosure with my material. Let’s see if they’ll attempt to explain it away.
That is a misleading headline. There aren’t any memorable moments from Congress. Name one? Thirty one paragraphs and not a single mention of an alien. It’s about UFO cover up, same as it was 50 years ago. It’s about government possession of non-human biological matter. Alien shit, or spit? What is alien biological matter? I’m sure we had that at the Roswell crash in the 50’s. Still stuck there.
The article closes with a UFO spotted accelerating at supersonic speed. The navy commander who witnessed it said, “The technology that we faced is far superior to anything we had. And there’s nothing that we can do about it.” I’d fire him. I’d want people who think there is something we can do about it and want to do something about it. Maybe these beings don’t like humans.
We need to get over our little fascination with the flying machine and focus on the beings who might have built these flying machines. Maybe they used humans as slave labor. Maybe they are still using humans as slaves. Throw that at Congress. Make a claim it’s all being done in an underground base in Dulce New Mexico. I think I know a few places where we can start digging.
I think the alien Republican party is down to two candidates now. They planned it this way. And the dropouts all pledged their support for Trump. It’ll be the alien Donald Trump again going up against who—Joe Biden? Big Mike Obama? I hope by the time the election comes around we’ve done a good enough job exposing them in our government or I might go George Carlin, “I give up on humanity.”
This morning I finished my thirty six minute frame by frame analysis of the 2016 Presidential Victory Party. It is jam packed with aliens and other THINGS. You need to expand your mind. The third dimension is far stranger than your wildest imagination. I’ve seen it, recorded it, I have it, so I know this. I’ve shown you some of it. It isn’t like what we’ve been taught in Sunday school. God, Satan, Angels, Demons done. Wait until you run into a creature that looks like this. How did John Carpenter know?
I was staying in a hotel in Tombstone Arizona which isn’t too far from Dulce New Mexico. Eight hour drive in a car. Eight minutes in a UFO. It was December 21, 2017. I ran my recorder all night. On the playback I went into a trance and was able to hear two spirits describing what they were seeing out on the street as well as when THINGS would pop into our room. They claimed a human head with spider legs appeared in the room and it could talk. After it left the two talked about it.
“Andy do you think one of these things could kill someone alive?”
“Just looking at these things might give them a heart attack and kill them,” was the response. My wife and I spent most of the night wrapped in a blanket on our balcony.
The Presidential alien victory party frame by frame analysis was a big project. There are 30 frames per second, 1800 frames per minute times the length of the video of 37 minutes. It comes out to 66,600 frames to go alien hunting in. Isn’t that number a strange coincidence?
I’ll get it posted later tonight or tomorrow morning. I think there are 51 images of which I am strongly implying are from non-humans in attendance. They are the special invited guests. Most of what I show cannot be seen unless you search the video frame by frame. It’s the only way. The human eye cannot notice a one frame anomaly. Maybe not even a 10 frame anomaly. I believe the image must hold X amount of time before the brain will say, “Holy shit. Is that an alien?” The aliens know this. Many of them you can see inspecting various parts of their body to see if they are holding human form. If they are looking we should look too.
The Vaccine Reaper Report Alien Series HERE. Greatest evidence ever presented of alien life on planet earth.
Looking forward to your next phase of this work, Mike. BTW, I wonder if anyone notices how often DTrump flashes the 666 hand signal.