VRR #33
“To my mind it is wholly irresponsible to go into the world incapable of preventing violence, injury, crime and death. How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.”—Ted Nugent
Good Thursday morning servants, assistants, city council & health observers. Another scripturient moment joins us together for the thirty third time. A few of you might be aware that the number 33 is the highest one can attain as a Freemason of which almost every US president was a member. Why is that?
“One day after I am long gone, you will remember me and say, we should have stopped the nuclear program of Israel, abolished the Federal Reserve and kicked all secret societies occultists, usurpers and Zionists out of our wonderful country, to keep it that way, but it is never too late, just remember that.”—John F. Kennedy
If we do as JFK recommends how many of you would remain in America?
A lot has happened since VRR #32. We’ve got it all going now, lawsuits up the ying yang for vaccine fraud, Nation leaders suing Pfizer for fraud, citizens suing nation leaders for fraud, state employees suing government for wrongful termination, state employees suing government for coercion into a medical experiment, Covid-19 death and injury, CDC Covid-19 cover-up, massive corporate layoffs, spy balloons an alien invasion, and the worst train disaster in US history that mainstream media and the government ignores. I didn’t make any of that shit up, although I’m sure I left out about 33 other equally insane events happening, and I do realize that most of you get your news from CNN or MSNBC so this might be new news for you. Fact check me. Is this our Build Back Better?
How do you plan on building Palestine Ohio back better? If you use the canary in a coal mine trick you have a dead canary in Palestine. Other animals inside of Palestine died or are dying too. We humans breath the same air and drink the same water. Any chance it was intentional elected?
Possibly committed by a few that JFK said should be kicked out of our wonderful country. Is there a US Palestine-Zionist Palestine connection here? New Usraeli Regime Moves Toward “Cleansing” All Palestinians From Palestine published on February 12, 2023 by Professor Majorie Cohn.
Coincidental timing don’t you think? Are we to associate the word, “Palestine,” with disaster that should be “cleaned up, cleansed?” There’s dots to be connected here elected. We’ve been hauling goods for 193 years by train, they shouldn’t be flying off the track anymore.
Suddenly the United States government has figured out how to shoot down un-identified flying objects. Who knew it would be this easy. Their flying technology is shit. Ours is superior. We got this one. This is nothing but a carnival alien duck shoot, but it’s been a few days since the US gov has shot one down. Maybe they zipped up to the moon to re-group. No problem. We’ll be waiting for their return. Too fucking easy.
Along with the above I do have issues with shooting down spy balloons. Primarily our weapon of choice—a $400K Sidewinder missile that sometimes misses requiring an additional $400K missile. Do any of you think it’s a little excessive to spend $800K to shoot down a balloon? Here’s an idea I’ll give you for free. American’s like free…..dom. Contact the rock’n’roll Detroit madman, the ten fingers of doom, Mr. Ted Nugent. Work out a deal with Terrible Ted to go up in a helicopter and have him take out the spy balloon with his high-powered bow and arrow and get me an autograph.
Mission accomplished.
More names of vaccinated dead are on the VRR logo since my last report. Recent name is Arne Espeel age 25. A healthy soccer player.
What is your definition for the word safe and how in the hell do you expect to get away with it? The second half of the question comes from Senator Malcom Roberts.
They are talking about you on Facebook. Is this any of you?
Shutting it down here dully. As they say in the bombed out cities in the Ukraine,
Miguel—CFO, CEO, Chief Editor, Owner of The Vaccine Reaper Report, flat broke—now hiring!
100% but let them fight their own media.
First of your articles I have read- and it is impressive. So I better get cracking if I am going to catch up on the other 32.