January 11, 2023
Day 1,047 WEF War Against Humanity
Estimated Global death 666, 666, 003
Estimated Globally injured 8 billion and three
Time: 9:11am
"Literally tens of thousands of slots available for vaccine appointments from our partners @CityofSeattle in the next few days. Sign up and get yours now and let's end this pandemic."--Dow Constantine
Greetings to all, we live into another year, but many didn’t make it dully elected. They unexpectedly died. As you can see there are new names on the logo. It grows weekly dully. SELF RAGE.
This is the 29th report to Washington State Lawmakers and those masquerading around as health officials. Assistants if all of you could kindly print this off and send it over to Rep. Rick Larsen I’d appreciate it. Maybe print off the last 3 reports for Rick. Maybe he can sit down with Mayor Jon Nerring and they can read them together.
The mood on the streets is changing elected. You health imposters will feel it before dully does. They’re going to go after you first. You’re the expert. You’re supposed to know what medical treatments are safe. You are supposed to ensure that there was adequate testing done which we know for a vaccine of this type would take over a decade and not nine fucking months. The walking wounded are waking up. SELF RAGE.
This is a good time in this report to ask this question from Senator Malcom Roberts with a VRR adjustment to include the Self Rage, “HOW IN THE FUCK DO YOU FUCKERS THINK YOU ARE GOING TO GET AWAY WITH IT?”
You aren’t going to get away with it.
The WEF side is breaking down fast and many of you on that side know this. An example of that breakdown was visibly transparent on the Monday Night Football game. The NFL teaming up with the WEF come up with a new play—DROP DEAD 33 SWEEP UP THE CA$H.
Cost of this fine clothing wear elected is only $33.00. Here’s an easy question for most of you. What is the highest level one can attain in the little boys Freemason club?
The 33 drop dead sweep is a stupid play, easily debunked as a hoax. The WEF question, Did we win your heart? I’d say heartly even close, but let’s keep playing a little longer. We’ll expose you a little more and then more SELF RAGE from the masses. You should be able to connect the dots here elected.
Even the NFL players are mocking this play it’s so easily transparent. Damar Hamlin gets a new number a few weeks before he dies--3. He sets up a charity a few weeks before he dies—Chasing Million$. Coaches design a new play 33 Drop Dead Sweep. And action!!!!! It’s launched onto millions of viewers on national television, and then the floodgate$ of ca$h are opened up. WEF has a cash flow problem at the moment. You need a lot of cash in war elected. If you’re cash strapped and resort to stealing from those you put to sleep and have duped will lead to SELF RAGE. And I don’t know if you know it bad guy lawmakers but censorship seems to be dead. It looks like you lost.
We also know it was a hoax because the dispatched aid unit came from UCincy hospital which is 12 minutes away while Fire station 14 which is just a few blocks away sat on the couch and watched while eating nachos as did about five other stations who were much closer than UCincy. Sloppy play elected, very sloppy. It reeks desperation. It screems, WE’RE BROKE. That explains the question, “Did we win?”
We also know it was a hoax because a medevac would have been called and there was no medevac call or response and no explanation as to why. Think back elected to the Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting in 2014 when UW medevac took to flight upon immediately hearing about the shooting and were given a stand down order. Ground transport only. Seahoax won the NFC Championship that year and went to the Superbowl. A lot of good dot connection here elected. The NFL is more than a football organization.
I bet all of you are breathing a little easier after the Supreme Court ruling on the Brunson Brother’s gang lawsuit against all of you. I bet you didn’t think it would go up that high. Is this proof you have SC in your pocket? Then why are you asking, “Did we win?” You have extended your defeat. New plays are being drawn up as I type.
The sudden deaths are coming fast elected. With each one the VRR skull logo changes. An added stitch, maybe a little more cavity. For me it’s kind of a visual of the battleground. Twenty names and twenty stitches in a couple of weeks. You can see I added a red question mark next to Damar Scamlin’s name. We’ll leave it for now and see if the NFL will parade him out as halftime entertainment during the Superbowl. Maybe he takes the stage with satanist priestess Rihanna. Do a little dance together, note the fire.
Shown here with her ex- boyfriend Drake. He pointed out back in 2014 that she was a satanist. Check out those eyes. Rumor is a possible live human sacrifice as half-time entertainment.
And this is where it gets confusing elected. The NFL wants everyone in the world to pray for their dead vaccine induced injured player but do they want us to pray to their god Satan or to another god? We’d like a little clarity before we Neal and pray with number 33.
Elected convince me this photo isn’t staged. Everyone kneeling except Freemason number 33 Neal.
Why won’t Neal kneel? I believe he represents their god figure Baphomet. He represents the Freemasons. I would have loved to have looked at the script the announcers are reading off. Cut to player kneeling. Cut to coach crying. Cut to group prayer to satan.
The NFL Damar Hamlin playoffs are this weekend and the Seahoax are in. Have you ever researched Pete Carroll’s football college and professional crimes? It’s no wonder he’s a head coach in the NFL.
I’m going to pinch it here elected and go puke. Probably green with chunks. After I empty out the contents in my stomach I have to get back to work. A bird house order came in. The customer wants my famous Amy Winehouse. This bird house has about 120 wine corks distributed around it, sides and front, a hinged clean out door, side balconies to hold bottles of wine and two wine cork wine glass holders underneath.
While I was working on it I was listening to WEF governor Jay Inslee. At this time point here he talks about making a minor adjustment to the second amendment in a WEF attempt to remove all guns. All of you applauded.
As you all know it’s been in the WEF playbook for decades. You weren’t able to take away our first amendment right to free speech and you will lose this one too. A carjacking and a train derailment scroll under WEF governor J, nice.
You will wake up one day and ask, “Did we win?” Nope you lose. Get ready.
Das ist alles for you.
Miguel Reaper