I'm not dead yet...
Day 891
Guten Morgan lawmakers, und assistants, und health experts.
The Emergency Use Authorization Act in Washington State, initiated by WEF Governor Jay Inslee, is now on day 891 of which the sum of those three numbers is 9. You may recall from a previous report we discussed the occult meaning of number 9—Sinful or Evil. By coincidence this is the 9th report. This report is not sinful, nor evil, perhaps eye opening, a slap upside your head, or a strong kick in the balls, but not evil. Injecting poison into the arm of a 5-year-old is evil. Injecting a 10-year-old, 15-year-old, 20-year-old, 25-year-old, (add your own age here), is evil.
1. profoundly immoral and wicked—opposite or absence of good
Example: "his evil deeds"
Sentence: They were coerced into a medical experiment with no informed consent.
Joe Biden
It appears the Pfizer drugs he took to counter the Pfizer shot he took has allowed him to come out of isolation and lead us through the new emergency medical crisis known as Monkey Pox. Have all of you gotten your Monkey Pox vaccine? None of you have shown proof that you’ve even taken the Covid 19 vaccine. The CEO of Pfizer is not vaccinated and the head of WHO is not vaccinated. They know the score, and as far as I know they haven’t contracted the Covid virus—secret, me either. Should we connect dots here? Joe has a full plate because right behind Monkey Pox is the WEF global warming crisis. It was a blistering 90 degrees yesterday. Same as it ever was.
In previous reports I mentioned the rage. Are any of you noticing it yet? I am. The rage isn’t coming from the un-vaccinated it is coming from the injured and family members who lost a loved one. I predict in the near future pharmacists, doctors, health experts, nurses, firefighters and those who promoted the shot will need 24/7 security. The vaccinated are coming and they are fucking mad as hell. Thank you WEF Dr. Birx.
On the heels of my last report when a woman confronted her pharmacist for the list of ingredients in the vaccine and was presented with a blank sheet of paper we have another pharmacist confrontation below.
A man confronts his doctor who injected a family member and the person died. WARNING!!!! RAGE!!! Violent behavior. Foul language, and a very controlled assault.
A man calls the pharmacy that injected his son who immediately developed myocarditis. WARNING!!!! RAGE!!!. Foul language. Get use to it.
Doctors are baffled. Connect the dots. Ontario reporting the highest rate of post injection myocarditis. The number is 1/1287 in males. I don’t know 1,287 people but I bet all of you do. Source.
Any surfers? It’s a deadly sport, but it isn’t sharks you have to worry about or being crushed by a giant fucking wave—YOUR HEART EXPLODES. BOOM! Lights out while in the pipeline. A perfect ride until SUDDEN ADULT VACCINE DEATH SYNDROME.
More vaccine water death.
The Facebook fact checkers who are the same people coming up with reasons why people are suddenly dying have ran out of excuses. Their latest creation is toothaches cause heart attacks.
Man dies from a toothache—worst pain ever
WEF behind war on farmers
Sri Lanka’s president is WEF
I’ll be in my garden today if anyone needs to reach me. Yesterday was a full day in my garden. I took a cool picture of a dragonfly.
In the evening I sat out under the stars and saw a shooting star in the west, turned my recliner to the east and watched a green UFO shoot from the south to the north—Boeing maybe? One coincidence to the above is I also listened to a youtube video on the Blind Frog Ranch. Aren’t frogs suppose to be green?
Their insanity rages on,