Greetings lawmakers, aids, and council members,
I live to write again, to write for them, to write about their needless death. Before we kick off this death report I've had to add a few more SADS acronyms, sorry but the death is spreading to all levels of our society. Remember in the beginning the vaxx focus was just the elderly? Now we are injecting babies almost simultaneously as Rov v Wade is overturned. How does that happen? Save them here, kill them there.
New death SADS acronym:
SADS--Sudden Athlete Death Syndrome---athletes are dropping dead around the globe so they need their own SADS. Theirs will have a bold capital A.
S-A-DS--Sudden Actor Death Syndrome--The new movies out from Hollyweird are going to be all horror--death and dying. All actors are required to be injected if they want to be a star or remain a star. Actor SADS has the -A-.
King County Executive Dow Constantine wanted two million, nine hundred and twelve thousand injected in the first six months. Where did he come up with that number? There's seven hundred and fifty thousand in King County so he's shooting way outside the county line. At his desired injection rate the entire King County population would be injected in 48 days. But wait, that's only if you take the one and done--J&J. Freedom is about choices. The more choices you have the more freedom you have. Government understands this. If there was just one shot the population might feel forced--create multiple shots and let them choose their own death shot. But, don't overwhelm them with too many because the people might do research--not good. KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID--4 CHOICES. The other clot shots require a 14 day separation between shots. Goddamn I bet the WEF, CDC and Fauci were scared shitless that nobody would return for number two. Deny them access to dining, entertainment, and travel that will bring them back in. So, 14 days would need to be added to Dow's fantasy wish which is 62 days--62 days to death. That would be a good title for a Clint Eastwood western movie.
KILLING TWO BIRDS WITH ONE SHOT--Sudden Athlete Death Syndrome
Jaylen Ferguson
NFL Ravens linebacker dead at age 26.
Tony Siragusa
Here is another dead bird for you, former Ravens offensive tackle dead at age 55.
Shane Olivea
San Diego Chargers offensive lineman dead at age 40.
Jason Perry age 16
Cause of death--unknown
Aiden Kaminska age 19
Basketball coache's 20-year-old daughter dies.
Jayda Grant age 20
Cause of death-unknown
There's more, a lot more but let's close out the Sudden Athlete Death Syndrome a little happier.
Here is a near death. A 25-year-old swimmer faints in the pool. How many times did you faint in the pool when you were 25? She was rescued by a hero coach.
This concludes this week's Vaccine Reaper Report for Washington State. It is a free report to gently nudge lawmakers to WAKE THE FUCK UP, and possibly save a few souls--wouldn't that be kind? I plan on keeping it free for at least another two months, after that I will have to bill all of you.
In next week's report my team and I will focus on vaccinated deaths in Washington State and maybe add in some famous movie actors too.
"In this world there are two kinds of people my friend, those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig."--Angel Eyes