I woke up and I was glad.
“Excuse me miss, can I bother you for the time?”
“It’s 9:11 and it’s no bother. Say, you’re kind of cute. Can I bother you for a cup of coffee?”
“Well miss, you know what they say, candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.”
“Then can I bother you for a Chardonnay?”
Day 8095 Wokington State under siege
Greetings Wokington State lawmakers, assistants, and woke health experts / woke council members.
Is everyone up to date? Do you have proof? The virus is still out there—lurking somewhere. Probably hanging out at your favorite restaurant. Remember the Ventilator.
Each week the VRR goes out to Wokington State lawmakers and their health experts and many of you seem to have a constant auto reply that fills up my inbox—I am currently out of the office until this disaster is over. Please contact my aid for all political affairs and if this is an emergency dial 911. Representative Blah Blah. But next to your name is this She/Her, Him/He, or He/She. Is this woke? Why stop at your pronoun? Why don’t you add your verb and your adjective as well?
Representative Blah Blah She/Her/Becoming/Reptilelike
Dully elected, I’d like to officially ask if it is possible to officially change the name of Washington State to Wokington State? I think under the disastrous leadership of Governor Inslee along with the influence of the Archons at the WEF it is time. We are there. We are woke--we are one—we are one fucked up state, so let’s do this. Is there a form of some kind that I need to fill out to make this officially happen? We’ll have to change the name for Seattle too. Emerald City isn’t woke enough—only one color. Any ideas? How about, Seattle, The Purple, Pink & Green Haired City of Homeless Mutants?
Now that Dr. Fauci has made his US “I cured cancer tour” and stuffed his house with cheap ass trophies he has decided to retire at the end of the Biden presidency—December 2022. Perhaps December 25th. A nice Christmas present for humanity.
Suddenly, sudden death syndrome disappears, viruses disappear, vaccines disappear, autism disappears, human health explodes, dogs live to be 32, and humans to 116. Doctors are baffled and Beagles rejoice.
A new health crisis has arrived for Governor Inslee. Add another emergency on top of the old outdated Covid 19 emergency. This is blatant WEF piling on.
The CDC has said it seems to only affect gay males so as a pre-cautionary measure they are recommending the entire population on planet earth should take the Monkey Pox vaccine. It is safe and effective so nothing can go wrong. Just forget about the last safe and effective vaccine disaster where 30,000 Americans died. They admit they fucked that one up bad, but that’s behind them now. That was Trump’s fault. “They got this one.” I’m old enough to remember when AIDS was just a gay disease and then Magic Johnson contracted the disease—confused everyone.
I really like this Seattle Times picture.
They just happen to photograph two males holding hands strolling behind a Free Monkey Pox Vaccine sign—FOR ADULTS 18+. Are you aware that the Seattle Times has won 11 Pulitzer Prizes? They boast about it. It’s on the front page.
The Monkey Pox article was published on August 19, 2022 at 4:48PM twelve minutes before quitting time. Then updated 52 minutes later at 5:40PM. You know the author, purple haired Elise Takahama was sitting in some Seattle bar sipping a Rainbow Pink Cosmo at 5:02PM reviewing her published Monkey Pox article and shit. It’s flUcKe d uP. Embarrassing. Been there done that.
Do any of you commute to work by ferry? Are you getting to work on time? I heard that many scheduled routes have been cancelled because they are short one terminated crew member, or two, or three—the remaining crew are all paid their daily wage to STAY HOME. Not a bad gig. There’s always that one employee who likes to keep his sick leave balance at ZERO. As soon as it hits eight hours there’s that Covid 19 cough again. This is known as Long Covid. To my surprise KIRO News is calling for a truce—perhaps Dave Ross lives on one of the islands or can hear the cries of the stranded ferry passengers from his office. Dave has a plan. Send flowers to the un-vaccinated who you demonized and terminated with a heartfelt apology. I grow my own flowers.
But, I’ll take a case of tequila—Don Julio 1942 would do just fine, delivered by Governor Inslee on his knees. Of course, we want our back pay, and if overtime was available, which of course we would have worked to help out during the Covid staffing shortages, that needs to be added as well.
Vaxx sickness and death is rocking and rolling and when you add in the Monkey Pox vaccine goo it will only make it better, or worse? Ask Dr. Shah. I was hanging out at my Safeway pharmacy, and I heard a man ask if he could get a flu shot, a shingles shot, and his booster shot at the same time. “Why you sure can,” said the smiling pharmacist. I waited around. He came out, looked a little dazed, a little Gumbyish, rubber legs, red faced, and walked like Hunter Thompson walking into a Las Vegas casino loaded on LSD, and quaaludes.
Contrast that image to the man who walked out with a prescription of Viagra, three bottles of wine, and a big smile on his face.
DEATH—here comes the reaper
Dropping dead brought to you by Pfizer
“People argued with Jim, but anyone who didn’t want to commit suicide was held down and shot with needles.”—Jonestown Massacre
Darius Cambell Danesh age 32 Pop idol
Oliva Quan age 25
Dominic Green age 28--unrecognizable—-hmmmmm?
Rob Wardell mountain bike champion
Notable recent infections / re-infections after booster shots one, two, three and four
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla
With Governor Inslee’s WEF order to fire all un-vaccinated state employee’s understaffed Seattle Fire Fighters are getting real tired of pulling dead bodies out of the water. They have a message. If you’ve been vaccinated with the COVID 19 bullshit shot don’t fucking swim alone. Have a good friend or close relative pull your body out then call us. Thank You.
Elected, a lot of people not too happy with the way Governor Inslee runs the unemployment, or anything else. So Governor Inslee fires you because you don’t want him deciding what medical treatments you should have, you file for un-employment benefits and according to ESD there is a two week lag time until you can see any money. Most people can slide their bills off for a couple of weeks, but when it gets to a month, two months and then six months, well they’re fucking pissed. I know this one poor soul who was parked in Wokington State ESD appeals hell for six months. Have any of you tried living for six months with this income $00.00? Try it, just for fun. Maybe the 10 step appeals process should be looked at, maybe even streamlined.
Let’s say my employer fires me because they changed their medical policy and I won’t comply. The new policy change requires I/him/he participate in an experimental medical procedure. I / him/he am kind of afraid of that. I request safety data and am given a blank sheet of paper. I/it request additional safety data and am given another blank sheet of paper. I/him/he/her say, “Show me the science.” They /them hand me a picture of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Cutting to the chase, I’m fired. I/he/monster am then denied unemployment benefits because, wait for it…..a few more dots……because I harmed my employer, could have harmed my employer, harmed my co-workers, could have harmed my co-workers. I’m labeled as a fucking murderer for refusing to participate in a medical experiment. True story.
Elected, help me understand. On July 1, 2022 Governor Inslee illegally mandates that all state employees are required to get a booster shot and any additional vaccines shots deemed safe and effective by the CDC until they die, or are too sick to be employed on or before July 1, 2023. On August 10, 2022 Governor Inslee says all state employees are NOT required to get a booster shot or additional deadly vaccines. Is this compassion or something else?
Political Reaper Headlines
Biden gas price falls 30 days in a row—gas down eight cents
Melania Trump wants her lingerie drawer back
Liz Cheney—GONE
Biden pushes campaign pledge—Heel the sole of the nation
Michael Obama’s mother passed away
Biden forgives—Biden forgives debt of the nation, Student loans forgiven, Mortgages forgiven, Medical bills forgiven, Sinners forgiven—
Biden arms IRS agents
President Trump colluded with Russia—again
Das ist alles elected.
Author note: For the last five or six reports I’ve been meaning to go into the Nuremberg Code, but it has to be done right. To honor them. I can feel them encouraging me, guiding me, behind me, and they need to just back off because I can’t work under that kind of pressure. Just know it is coming.