“All I’m offering is the truth.”--Morpheus
In my vagabond talk yesterday I talked a lot about seeing and not seeing. I’ve written and shown you things people don’t see. It’s obvious. It’s right in front of them, but they don’t see it. I did a very easy intro in my alien series using color. Two colors red and blue. There is a conflict with these two primary colors with my very easy lead in. They are both supposed to be red.
What do you get when you blend red and blue?
You get purple. Get it?
Morpheus presents Neo a choice of colors, red and blue. These colors don’t represent a particular political party. Red represents an adventure to enlightenment and truth. Blue allows the person to continue living in a false reality unable to see what those who took the red pill can see. An argument begins. Do I want to know? Do I want to see? It’s an unknown. I’m safe as I am, and the Seahawks are going to the playoffs. YAHOO, life is great. Give me that fucking blue pill and let me chase it with a beer. And the person goes out and buys a new TV for the big game. Their adventure ends and they’ll be offered the same choice in their next lifetime.
Is there a wrong choice? It would be a fun argument. An argument could be made the blue pill gives one more choices, believe what they want to believe. An argument can be made belief can be hijacked. The person then becomes easily controlled. Does it look like humanity is controlled as we roll into the year 2024?
I mentioned that I took a picture of an alien hand that is attached to a human. It comes right off my video. I had it blown up to an 8X10. I handed it to the closest human and asked them what do they see? They said they see a hand, a human hand. I took the picture and walked away. My friend and I had long conversations about that encounter. What the fuck is going on? Is it possible the alien mind control is far greater than we can imagine effecting both red pilled and blue pilled individuals? Or is it simply a normal human reaction with the brain. The image is transported to the brain of which it is looking at an object it has never seen before. The brain knows there is supposed to be a normal human hand and substitutes an image of a normal human hand? I have a good argument for this.
After my alien encounter the spirits in my sessions would repeatedly say, “Mike, this is real.”
This was very confusing to me because I didn’t think I was doubting it. Perhaps they wanted to ensure I knew it was real. In the movie the Matrix Neo also doubts. Morpheus asks Neo, “What is real.” The SC stands for Space Cowboy. It was my username when I was a moderator on Kerry Cassidy’s forum—Project Camelot.
In the awakening process from the awakened to the awakened awakened and beyond there is an obvious difference in what people can see. An advantage for the aliens and a need to make sure humans do not go to the awakened awakened level and beyond. They are losing that fight.
Last October, I along with others said and believe something BIG is coming and then we entered into speculation. It was my belief then and still today the BIG SOMETHING isn’t the aliens, but their inability to stop humans from going to the awakened awakenend level and being able to see them. Thus, their urgency to kill off humanity. They are also fully aware that the Cosmic Gunslingers have awakened. A double threat for them. Look for them to make even stupider mistakes than what they’ve already made.
In this war I am doing something a little different than most. I’m using Supernatural forces. It’s important because they’re using it. I then fight them on multiple battle fields. In the physical and non-physical world or worlds. The Supernatural forces that I am associated with have never implied that they are a higher being than I am nor have they ever asked for worship. Or as Hillary says, “Warship.”
On my Substack I’ve attempted to showcase these forces showing repeated stacking God-like coincidences, audio communications from spirits and entities, repeated wildlife encounters and don’t ever underestimate these encounters. We could learn a lot from the Native Americans. And more.
The other day I did a garden talk in a windstorm. It was on the snake. Reptilian Donald Trump who relishes in that description. There was a sound that happened right in front of me and I noted it. It shouldn’t have been there. I separated out the audio and discovered it is a spirit. A spirit with some serious WOO. I can’t translate it but I hear the word snake.
Grab the snake?
Subscribers running for the cliff. I’m seeing a lot different numbers than this.
Maybe SS fudges the numbers in an attempt to make me feel good. I’ll feel good, real good when we take them out.
The VRR Alien Series HERE.
I AGREE it is all a show
There are NOT two parties, only one
One big enterprise to control the people and avoid chaos
Chaos is ensuing
I AGREE that there are aliens
I believe there are malevolent aliens
and benevolent aliens. Can you tell me more about these?
I AGREE that the SUPER natural is all around us
I believe that it is in us
I believe in souls
and that yours is strong and full of grace
I believe that God wants us to use our blessed gifts to rise above this darkness
I really HOPE for some protection and help
Question: Do you think us humans have any allies in this?
I see what you see.