November 21, 2022
Day 996—WEF war against humanity
Elected delivery time: 9:11am
“I’m late…I’m late.”—Farbissina
Lawmakers, assistants, city council members and health impersonators,
Sorry for this late report. I had a medical emergency to attend to. Yes, no doubt vaccine injury related. I also got caught up in some fox hole situations with others, and we’re supposed to be on the same side. It’s hard to tell sometimes in this war. Have you noticed that?
I want to get this question out early in this report. I usually save it for the end but that’s not working. None of you are answering so I’m going to move it to the top of the report and try the question here. Maybe I shouldn’t even address you politicians and heeeth ickspurts. I’ve given you almost 10 months to come up with an answer and you can’t. Let’s give the assistants a chance. I bet they can answer it.
Wonderful assistants, what is your definition for the word, “safe?” You’re free to use any dictionary or online source for the answer. Also, and you’re free to guess on this because they won’t answer, what is your representative’s definition for the word, “safe?” Try this, don’t show them this report and kind of throw the question out laughing, “Ha…ha..I just got this weeks VRR and Mike want’s to know what your definition is for the word safe is, ha….ha….” and then listen for an answer.
Dr. Shah, how is the vaccine pimping going? Do you know what the definition for the word safe is? If the vaccine has killed over 43,000 americans according to the CDC is it safe? What kill number do you have to hit for it not to be safe—a million, seven billion?
I haven’t creeped on your twitter account lately because when I do I come down with severe Covid 19 symptoms including vomiting. Funny thing is I test negative for Covid every single time. Are the tests bullshit Dr. Shah?
Dr. Shah can the vaccine prematurely induce Alzheimers disease? What about Guillain Barre syndrome? If a 35-year-old healthy female takes the vaccine and suddenly comes down with GB do you see a correlation or is it just bad luck?
I usually save this for the end to but, fuck it. Let’s put it here and see if anybody reads it.
He’s ignored almost as much as the VRR.
As all of you know my ballot was rejected. He / him / She / her / it / you, signature checker didn’t like my signature, but I’m given three chances to try and get it right and it can be another signature checker who checks it, just to add in some more complicated confusion. If I’ve been writing my signature the same way for 50+ years how would you suggest I write it so I’m allowed to vote? Can I officially change it to X? I think this could clear up the confused situation if everyone does this. I’m also open to just M, but not in cursive. I forgot how to write like that twenty years ago.
Musicians are still dropping dead. I watched these three old guys play last week. They were good but I couldn’t help wondering if one of them, or all of them would keel over. Music is hard on the heart. It causes an afib reaction. Maybe write a bill banning music playing….for vaccinated people.
Tennis shoe senator gets re-elected. Didn’t see that coming. Maybe she’ll get a new Converse endorsement. In her youtube commercial the tennis shoes looked to be about a size 13. How big are Senator Murray’s feet? I bet she’s a good soccer player too. I see she’s beating the gun safety drum again. Stop trying to save us and we’ll live longer.
Has anyone seen WEF governor Jay Inslee lately? He still thinks state employee’s are highly contagious Covid 19 spreaders and must be forced or coerced into taking a medical experiment. No other business in Wa state has employees like Jay’s that must be coerced into taking the shit shot. I wonder if coercing someone is a crime? Do any of you know?
Have any of you noticed people are missing in Wa. State. Gone. Off the roads. I was coming back from a no doubt vaccine injury and passed through Olympia at 3:30pm. I-5 was no problem. I hit stinky Tacoma which there is a 100% chance of a jam, and no problem there. Wait, it get’s better. I hit Southcenter at the 405 interchange, nothing. At 5pm it is a certain. I drove right onto 405 no problem. Elected I hit no blockage anywhere. Remember I’m a use to be bus driver. I know what our roads are like at rush hour. Where did everyone go? Share this with Jay he might know.
On my return trip from visiting my vaxx injured relative I passed a lot of signs. These are all stacked one after the other in Crescent City California. You talk about ramming it down our throats. Jesus Christ, but wait. Wait for the ending elected. The residents adjusted the final sign for your reading pleasure. Dr. Shah will be the only one to poo poo on it.
Ha…ha…ha..wasn’t that fun? The last sign you get blasted with the truth and then you are set free to live a healthy life and go to heaven when you die.
Sadly, Mike’s garlic fries couldn’t survive Governor Newsome’s draconian Covid scamdemic policies. Mike had been operating his business in Eureka Ca since 1943. Eureka is a kind of fast-food gourmet mecca. They have every single fast-food joint you can think of and some you can’t. They have a McDonald’s across the street from Burger King, and around the corner there’s another McDonald’s just past the In-N-Out Burger. This has to be some kind of WEF conspiracy to kill all of us via shit food. Eureka must be their test city. I ate an apple.
I’ve never seen anything like it. I stayed the night there, got in late. Hotel staff told us shooters come out at 10pm. Nice little safety tip. I was real tired. I slept through all the action.
I’m closing it here elected. Did I forget to ask you what your definition for the word, “safe,” is? And Senator Roberts sent me an email and wanted me to ask all of you how in the hell do you expect to get away with it. He wants you to email him your answer.
I will try and have VRR #25 on time next week. Do any of you have any questions for me that you’d like me to include in next’s weeks report? Just send me an email. I live on my computer now so I will receive it immediately.
Receipt of on time delivery, 9:11am. It’s an emergency.
See if you can make it to the end of this song. Duane don’t need no doctor—especially now.
"I'll bet she's a good soccer player too". 🤣🤣🤣
Safe is not ending up like JFK. If we can silence him, we can silence anybody. WEF is short for 'We Fucks'. Great article.
It Safely and Effectively seen from a Globalist.