Lawmakers & health misinformation spreaders VRR#22 is available for your reading pleasure
November 1, 2022
Day 976—War against humanity
Time 9:11am
“There is no quote this week.”—Mike Huggins
Dully lawfully elected, assistants, city council members and health misinformation spreading experts,
A lot of excitement in Washington State. Governor Inslee ends his mental emergency crisis. I counted the days elected. Did any of you? His mental suffering that he placed all of us under lasted 975 days. The haloperidol must have finally kicked in. I think one of you should submit a bill to make Nov. 1 a state holiday. I would if I had all the power that all of you feel you have. Why not? You tortured the 7.5 million people for 975 days. Use the holiday as a reminder that you can easily fabricate a fake virus and do it again. Better obey us.
Why does Governor Inslee hate state employees so much? All of you must be vaccinated because you are a state employee. None of you have shown any proof that you are so why do state employees have to show proof? I’ve never seen Governor Inslee show his shot card, have you? Jay lifted his mental emergency crisis that he was using to coerce people into taking the kill shot because he obviously feels like………well, we don’t know what he feels, but he lifted it for everyone except state employees. He must feel they’re the only people who are virus spreaders, or carriers, or both. They must be vaccinated. Can anyone help me understand him? Does he only hang out with vaccinated state employee’s for fear of contracting the fake virus? I’m confused.
How many state agencies are there? If there are only 56 why not just say all state agencies. This leads me to believe there are more than 56 agencies and for the others there is no vaccine requirement. Do you know who those other agencies are? Could one of them be an agency Governor Inslee is connected to?
University kids don’t have to be vaccinated to enter college next year. That’s good, but what about the kids who didn’t want to take it last year and were coerced into taking it? Don’t you think they might just be a bit pissed off? Don’t you think they might start thinking government is completely full of shit? They are evil liars? And, what about their parents who didn’t want their superstar football player injected with an unknown substance where there is no safety testing done on humans or animals, where the manufacturer Pfizer listed 1300 adverse effects of which many are life threatening. And, and, nobody can be held liable if their child gets injured or dies. Might they be a little pissed off too? Can you feel their rage? I told all of you the rage is coming. You don’t believe me do you?
How do you like the new logo? I designed it myself while sipping a Lucille IPA. The number one misinformation spreader, Steve Kirsch is putting up a billboard outside of the CDC headquarters. It’s loaded with misinformation and will surely embarrass RocHELLe. Now the Vaccine Reaper Report wants its own billboard. I feel left out. I’m researching cost right now, but since the Gov terminated me, I’m a little short on the green. You know that’s J’s favorite color. I’m thinking of a gofundme account. Would any of you donate to help the VRR put up a billboard? Just one dollar maybe. You probably want to see it first, right? Ok.
It's safe and effective don’t you think? A little rough but I like it. Steve’s is all polished and looks like he hired an advertising campaign and paid a lot of money to get all the words and graphics right. I’m on a low budget and getting lower every day. Yikes!!! Maybe a Rep assistant can print the image off and slide it under every Rep’s door. That would be nice. Make especially sure to slide it under Rep. Rick Larsen’s door.
Elected who, what, where are the mis-information spreaders? Am I one? Is asking a question misinformation spreading? If I ask you what your definition of the word safe is would that be considered misinformation? Could the CDC accuse me of spreading misinformation for asking that question?
The CDC has made a most wanted list of the top misinformation spreaders but they got the #1 misinformation spreader wrong. You won’t believe who it is. It’s Governor Jay Inslee. His announcement on Feb. 29, 2020 was all misinformation. Look it up. The governor announced the first covid 19 death as a male. That’s misinformation. It was a female. He also indicated there is a serious threat to public health. That is misinformation. If there is a virus and there is a 99.9% chance of full recovery if infected it can’t possibly be a threat to public health. All misinformation.
All of you know Ali right? Excellent journalist for Q13. Accurate as all hell. So step aside Steve Kirsch Governor Jay Inslee is the number one covid 19 misinformation spreader. You can’t knock off the one who started the lie. Jay is the king. The king misinformation spreader. Please let Jay know what his new title is and I’ll let Steve know he’s number #2.
Elon Musk took over Twitter and the first amendment has partially been restored. He walked in with a kitchen sink. I would have walked in with a scythe. More impressive. The VRR opened an account in August but all of us here were waiting until new ownership took over before we officially posted. The we is me. Substack wants me to heard all of my Twitter followers to my Substack account so I can go from 10 subscribers to 12. That’s a 20% jump in one day. I will take that all day, every day.
Okay, here you go Substack. Is showing Governor Insanelee’s disastrous tax hikes. Look at his face. He knows he’s got WEF guilt all over his face. He’s also refusing his boss’s advice. It’s a coin toss as to which one is crazier. But people should know Jay doesn’t take orders from Joe. He takes them from Klaus.
He looks a lot happier in the WEF picture. I’m going to pinch it off here elected. I’s still huNg oVeR from last nights emergency lifted party. Someone mixed me a wicked final drink. I will get even with her. I will save the 50 other things for next weeks report.
Proof of on time delivery.
VRR might do an entire report on Rick Larsen next week. Let’s see if he has any skeletons in his closet.
Gofundme. You're just trying to rile us all up. FRICKIN' WOKE COMPANY. It's only Givesendgo from here on out. I ❤ this week's quote.
My dog introduced me to a lovely young girl's dog on a nearby hiking trail in early summer, 2021.
She had just finished her degree at Central WA and had started a job/internship with either the state DNR or Fish and Wildlife, I don't remember.
Backdrop: It was early enough in the Mandate deal-io that i was hoping people would say "fuck that." In those days, I brought it up in conversation here and there.
This girl was young and sweet and reasonably smart and pretty--and she was extremely stoked about her new job; clearly it was what she had studied for, and i imagine in her mind it was a ticket to a Good Life.
Not knowing any better, I actually said to her something to the effect of: "you're not going to take that poison, are you?"
It was the wrong thing to say. She was clearly annoyed, and said:
"If people just take it we can get this over with."
That poor girl submtted to the Clot Shot to keep her dream job thing going.
I changed the subject and walked off, but left feeling major sympathy for this young person. She was finally in position to express her life the way she had dreamed of, and all she had to do was submit to the Clot Shot and it would be hers.
I was much more careful about raising the subject after that.