Sometime back in 2014 or 2015 I was working on an alien project or a false flag. A friend of mine was working on it with me. And then we ran into another alien, Nikki Haley. Captured on video. The best kind of proof. A fast search on my computer doesn’t produce the video. I texted my friend to see if he has the video. He’s not a strong texter and rarely answers his phone if called so I’m not going to sit around waiting for a response from him. Write on.
The reason why I mention the alien Nikki Haley who just happens to be running for the President of the United alien States is because Haley sent me a text message yesterday after I posted a video exposing them. Too shocking for most humans. There are no aliens. Our government would tell us if there were aliens. Right on.
Nikki’s phone number is (540) 315-8592. Call her or send her a text message. It would love to hear from you.
Her message read:
Hi Michael, it’s Nikki Haley with an update on my race. (I wonder what race she is? I suspect Reptilian.) Do you have a second to look?
My reply:
No time. I believe Trump. The government is ran by Reptilians of which you are one of them Niki and we will expose you. Nikki, send me a couple of pics of you as an alien and I’ll consider voting for you.
I lied. I don’t vote. There is no longer a political solution to the mess we are in. The mess that these parasitical aliens created. They should all be arrested, tried and punished. Donald Trump is my number one alien arrest. Remember Operation Warp Speed? It is an untested medical procedure to stop people from getting infected from a fabricated virus that Donald Trump and friends created. It has killed millions of people maybe a billion and he boasts about it. He says nobody would have been able to do what he did. He sure looks overly orange in the above photo.
I wonder if it was just coincidence that right after I upload a video exposing Donald Trump I get a text message from alien Nikki Haley. Could Nikki Haley become Donald Trump’s vice president?
What is so wrong with Freemason alien Mike Pence. I like his first name. Why do we need a new alien Vice President?
CBS (alien) News—Trump asking allies about possibility of Nikki Haley for vice…..6 days ago
The Economic Times—Nikki Haley as Donald Trump’s VP choice?... 1 day ago
Charlotte Observer—A clearly nervous Trump floats Nikki Haley as his VP….2 days ago
Business Insider—Trump is asking allies about Nikki Haley amid VP…..1 day ago
Lead us down their alien path. It’s just that fucking easy readers.
AP News comes in with this—Nikki Haley has bet her 2024 bid on South Carolina. Well guess what, Trump owns South Carolina so is that a very smart bet? I told you these THINGS might just be as dumb as a fucking rock. And why does alien Nikki want South Carolina?
Nikki Haley quietly bought a $2.4M SC island home. The exact same title on 52 other news source posts. Where did Nikki Haley get $2.4M dollars? Maybe from her husband’s career. Nope. He’s a retired US military man. A career in GOV sure pays well, doesn’t it?
I’m going to guess and say there is a big fucking giant rock inside where her and her husband lay on between feedings. Why does she need such a big fucking house. My house is just over 1400 sq feet and I could easily shave off a couple of rooms. She entertains other aliens and Satanists. The article explains them as distinguished guests such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Clooney, Oprah Winfrey and Joe Biden. And seven foot reptilians need more room than humans. The article says that Nikki and her husband negotiated them down from $3.3M to an easily affordable $2.4M. An antisemite would say they Jew’d them down. How does any sane person reduce their home by a million dollars? Maybe during negotiations she just shape-shifted back to alien.
Does she need a gardener? Looks like it. I’m not cheap. I’ve also been told I don’t like those THINGS very much so I might be deadly. But, I’m good. She should take a chance. Maybe I could double as a servant at one of her alien parties. What food do they serve? I’d paint the walls in alien blood.
It is very possible that alien Nikki Haley’s house may be vacant and for sale by the end of 2024. And Boeing will have another vacancy on their board of directors.
The VRR only lost 16 subscribers after my last post exposing Donald Trump as a Satanist alien. How many Nikki Haley fans do I have as subscribers. We’ll find out. You better unsubscribe and go find a safe place to hide. I have the good shit and they know it. Steve Kirsch is safe, but I wouldn’t take any financial advice from him.
The Cosmic Gunslinger’s are exposing you alien. You can buy some time by getting out of GAZA right now and that’s the only deal we’ll make with you.
Start the video and scroll the credits for this article.
The VRR Alien Series HERE.
Great post! Love your reply to Haley.
Don Jr. said that there is no way she will be on the ticket. He said he is going to sit down and have a talk with his Dad. And Tucker said that he would actively campaign against him if he picks Haley for the VP slot. Not going to happen, thankfully.
And yes, Trump is a snake - clueless, at best, but he's the only snake we've got...ugh...
Just my opinion: quite a few of the ‘red pilled’ out there are going to have trouble with this alien influence being a thing, and perhaps also by design. Just saying. Everything is just so F’d up. Right down to how we keep destroying the Earth to our detriment. What sane HUMAN BEING does that? Seriously?