How did they find so many willing to participate in mass murder?
With a smile on their face.
Some had to be imported. All legal of course. Just walk across the border.
Vivek Murthy U.S. Surgeon General
Umair Shah Secretary of Health for Washington State
Sejal Hathi ---Oregon State
Mark Ghaly—California, the only one not wearing a mask
One month later the J&J vaccine was pulled because it caused a blood clotting disorder.
23:27—Mike be prepared to take command. (M)
I’ll take command right now.
Start Operation Ground Them on your way in—Force chemtrail planes to have to make emergency landings by messing up their instrument gauges or shut off an engine or two. Do this across the planet. Make our skies blue again. Arrest every single pilot and every single person associated with the program.
Start disabling media satellites. Make it random. It works one day but not the next. Occasionally dub in this photo.
And this one.
Continue exposing the aliens mimicking humans on all news channels. Disable any technology the ET’s are using for human hypnosis. Disable all 5G towers across the planet. Disable all military jets. Disable all military ships. Disable all missiles throughout the planet.
 Release all prisoners from prison who haven’t committed a violent crime. Their lucky day has arrived. Hire them to help make arrests in Operation Round Up.
 Start Operation Round Up. Humans first.
Arrest Former president Donald Trump along with current president Joe Biden. Arrest Every senator, every state legislator, every governor, mayor and city council member. Arrest every secretary of health and every hospital administrator. Every public-school administrator as well as all University presidents. Every doctor and nurse who promoted and injected the covid 19 shot. Arrest Every General in all branches of the military down to Brigadier General. Arrest Police chiefs to Sheriff’s throughout the United States. Arrest all in the CIA and the FBI. Every Zionist at the CDC and the NIH too. Turn the buildings into a prison if needed, if not demolish them. Arrest Judges from the Supreme Court and across America during the Covid hoax. Arrest every single FREEMASON and demolish their buildings.
The above will happen in every country across planet earth.
Start Operation Round Up the aliens. Then have a big ass rock concert and drink some beer.
Easy peasy.
Impossible mission done.
you left out the WORST...Clinton's, "obama" and his hideous hubby, ALL the bushes etc...
how did they find so many willing?
Take the bribe or die...
I would love the Operation, but any courage or motivation to do so has been neutered.
I've been singing this song for almost two years now, how we are already captured.- and still have no clue...and there doesn't seem to be a way out of's the real neutering nightmare that faces us...Callender explains it simply, even if Jane can be a bit tedious...this is one of the best and quickest summations, if you want to know without going down confusing rabbit holes...
The most I can hope for is that when we become fully borg synthetics, that we are still able to identify the Satanic pedos and be ticked off and savage enough to bring them to their knees...
the Borg Resistance?
Debbie Downer - over and out...