By 6PM on November 8, 2016 the two presidential candidates victory parties were about to open their doors. Although Donald Trump’s party would not start until 6:30PM. The two candidates who pretended to hate each other throughout the campaign were only separated by a few miles. Hillary at the West Side’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center and Donald’s was at the New York Hilton Midtown. And there’s a whole lot of occult numerology associated with the addresses.
The Trump campaign was asked why his party wasn’t held at the Trump Tower? The response was it couldn’t accommodate the number of attendees. The gathering for Trumps party was described by the media as, “low key.” Special invitation only. I remember Trump Tower hosted the auction of JFK’s personal items such as the watch he wore on the day he was assassinated. You’d think there would be a lot in attendance for that event. Maybe a lot of phone in bids.
I’d say very low key, very special guests. I’ve shown you pictures of some of those special guests.
What is this another Satanic Freemason gay orgy party? Women are the first to hit the dance floor. You can’t have a party without women. When the females finally arrived they were all ears while Trump spoke.
Who knows why they’d be smiling. They don’t know about Operation Warp Speed yet. Does the CDC recommend the CV19 vaccine for aliens? I’d like to see Steve Kirsch ask the CDC that question. He might still be sipping on the Kool-aid. Does anyone know if Steve has interviewed his carpet cleaner—the one that red-pilled him and launched him into Substack fame? I’d really like to watch or read that interview. Did he tip him big? Doubt it.
Hillary Clinton opened her presidential victory party up to the public. Probably about 50 total. The 50 lined up early and were SNAKING around the block. More occult numerology.
Checking into Hillary’s victory loser party had a ton of security.
I wonder if it was the same security she had at the Satanic 9/11 memorial where she got her arm blown off. Remember that?
Imagine having security guards who can float through metal bars and hands that change into monster hands. Where did she find these THINGS?
Let’s not go overly evil bashing Hillary. Trump’s security was just as evil as Hillary’s.
And Trump has shown that same face.
Both are the same THING.
By 8:40PM at the Trump party it’s time to eat cake and the Trump cake is rolled in. Ingredients unknown. It was described as “terrifying.” No description on what it tastes like. I’d guess they’d say it tasted like chicken.
Save me the eyes. If they think this looks terrifying, they should see him dressed in his Reptilian Halloween costume.
While Trump was playing the Rolling Stone song You Can’t Always Get What You Want, Hillary’s party was streaming Alicia Keys, “Girl On Fire,” from Hell. The media at Hillary’s victory loser party watched CNN, complained about spotty WiFi, and gorged themselves on paninis from a press-only food court. Carbo loading that will no doubt lead to panniculus. And lots of hairspray for Christianne Amanpour’s spotty broadcast.
While the Trumpers were feasting on Donald Trump’s face the Hillary Reptilians were firing up the crowd. Senator Satanist Chuck Schumer was leading the crowd in a chant, “I believe that she will win.” I believe he could have dropped the word, “that.”
At 10:00PM the mood had changed at Hillary’s victory loser party. One Clinton executive tells THR, “I’m freaking out for the first time during the campaign.” New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand reignited the enthusiasim by reminding the crowd of Clinton’s famous, “Womens rights are human rights,” a line she used in 1995. Nobody remembered the line.
Katy Perry picked up the slack from there and said a bunch of gobbly gook that translated out to, “Ah fuck it. Let’s just be one Satanic nation, invisible with a kickass president Trump.” That got the Clinton crowd fired up and confused.
Trump @ 10:05p.m.:
He was at the Trump Tower watching CNN’s Christanne Amanpour’s overly hairsprayed hair. Why not watch it from the alien underground base at the Hilton? Another mystery Trump Thing.
Clinton @ 11:30p.m.:
Clinton supporters chanting, “We are fucked.” One reporter said that he would have to completely re-write his story because he already wrote it as Hillary winning and probably included her entire speech.
Trump @ 12a.m.:
The only thing left un-eaten on the Trump cake are the lips, per Melania’s request.
Clinton @ 1a.m.:
A Clinton committee said they lost because the US is a nation of idiots. I can’t really argue that. Voting for either one of these shape-shifting alien satanists proves it.
Hillary concedes and Trump let’s everyone know it was all a joke. Hillary was on his side the entire time. They are one, red, plus blue equals purple. And purple is coming back around and may be in my next post. I think you’ll like it if I can write it right. Doubt it.
He completed his four year term doing nothing he said he was going to do to Hillary. How is that for a good kick in the balls Trumpers?
The palm fist salute is a known Freemason salute. Trump is now repeatedly using it. Shown here just a few days ago.
He’s behind the NO PARKING TODAY and the NO PARKING ON MONDAY sign. In perfectly clear media HD.
They aren’t hiding anything. Destroy all goyim. And they’re very happy letting humans believe it is a human verses human war while they murder us or we can keep debating if the virus is real or fake or continue discussing the ingredients of the vaccine or argue over the data the CDC is hiding while they continue to murder us. Or we can expose them, smash through their barriers and go after them.
Donald Trump is a Freemason satanist shape-shifting alien. That should send 33 subscribers jumping off the Cosmic Truth Train.
And I’d be real careful shaking hands with one of these THINGS.
Video time point 19:06. You got to love those camera flashes.
Holding strong at -15 this morning.
I’ll take that any day of the week.
Credit and thank the fake alien news sources for this report for their help in exposing these satanic Freemason aliens. We couldn’t do it without you.
The Hollywood Reporter und Politico photo of Trump’s Freemason salute.
The VRR Alien Series HERE.
oh my that the real CAKE???? 🤮🤮🤮
Once again, well done Mike!! And once again, thank you!