Dully Elected, Wa. State lawmakers Vaccine Reaper Report #17= Q
a four minute toilet read--lawmakers subscribe today and receive 15% off
Dully Elected, Wa. State lawmakers Vaccine Reaper Report #17= Q
Day 933 –of emergency mental crisis
Days until Governor Jay Inslee’s emergency mental crisis ends 42
Delivered Time: 9:11am
Greetings dully elected, and appointed, Lawmakers, assistants, council members, and ick-spurt health Ophisuals.
I’d like to welcome new council members to The Vaccine Reaper Report. This report has been going out to State lawmakers and health ick-spurts for about six months, and pretty much ignored by all. It is to educate, inform and smack people upside their head with truth about vaccine damage. I’ve been told by thousands that it’s a fun read, a quick read, a toilet read, but better than those toilet reads in People magazine. Health experts have lost their expert rating due to their careless handling of the Covid pandemic and now are referred to as anything but an expert. You lose that after 30,000 Americans are in a fucking grave. Creeping on your social media accounts it is good to see that Dr. Shah is also backpedaling on the vaccine. You have to scroll all the way back to September 5th to find covid, and no mention of the deadly safe and effectively deadly vaccine. Danke shon Dr. Shah. It has now killed way over 30,000 American’s, but like Rochelle Walensky said, “Who’s counting.”
And just look at this post.
“It may be difficult to support a child at home during this time.” Give us your child. We can take care of your child better than you can. Look at the young girl. She’s probably thinking, “I know my mommy can’t support me while I’m sick. I hope she turns me over to Care Connect.” And mommy is thinking, “hmmmm, maybe I should call Care Connect.” Great post Dr. Shah.
Dig this post.
We’re not laughing with you we’re laughing at you—big difference.
I wonder what compels a health uffishul to quit their job nine months into the worst medical crisis in the history of humanity to become a school teacher like John Weisman did. You would think this would be their big day, the day they trained for, to save humanity. I wonder if he just said, “This is bullshit. I’m out of here. See you later Jay-bo.” That’s exactly what I would have done—smart man. Dr. Shah refers to it as a “pressure-packed welcome.” I’d rather be a 7-11 clerk than have Dr. Shah’s job, or be unemployed, starving wandering in the woods, like I am now thanks to Governor Inslee. John Weisman is one smart health ixspirt. If I were a health ufficishul (thank you Jesus—I’m not.), who pushed this deadly poison onto the masses, I’d buy a new pair of Nike shoes and be getting ready to run.
The other day I was on my stationary bike watching my favorite car guy video when it was rudely interrupted by a Covid 19 commercial.
In this commercial from Cue Care the smooth talking lady was explaining that if you test positive for Covid 19 they will send treatment right to your front door in a little bag. See the very sick person opening their front door and there is their treatment, their cure. I’m sure they are wearing an approved mask. Cue in on the “Only $20 a month.”
The way it works is you buy this thing called a cue reader for $199.00. Then you buy three Covid-19 test kits for $195.00, or receive a break if you buy 10 for $ixhundred and fifty fucking dollars. But wait there’s more. You can buy the package deal, three tests and a cue reader for $394. If you think you’ll be catching Covid 19 at least 10 times this year then the 10 test kit with cue reader is the right choice for you at $Eight hundred and forty nine fucking dollar$. Keep in mind you’re only really getting price gouged because you are not a member. Who is going to catch Covid-19 ten times? Are all of you expecting to? I thought once you get infected and recover you have natural immunity, but you can’t make any money on natural immunity, can you? But maybe Cue Care knows you will catch covid 10 times if you’ve been vaccinated. I know vaccinated people on their fifth round of testing positive for Covid 19 and they are sick as hell. If you are keeping score like I am—I am unvaccinated and have never been sick. Remember in a previous report I challenged all of you who’ve been vaccinated to a running race, a marathon to see who would drop dead first. You, wisely declined. Challenge is still open.
Elected, how is Cue Care even allowed to do this? Our health ixports have been telling us for over two years we must, we have to, we need to, all get vaccinated. It is the only way to ensure protection from the deadly Covid 19 virus. Now we have treatment in a bag delivered to our door. WHAT THE FUCK CHANGED? Why didn’t we do this from the beginning? My we’ve come a long way from Dr. Fauci’s stay at home until you can’t breathe, turn purple, then blue, then you can go to a hospital, take Remdisvir and go on a ventilator and die treatment, of which most of you endorsed. Dr. Fauci says data form remdesivir coronavirus trial quite good news. Rage meter spike.
Countries around the globe are jumping off the vaccine train. The train headed for death. New Zealand and Denmark are the latest to join the “we’ve finally woke the fuck up club.” Now they’re looking around asking, “What the fuck happened? Where was I?” When will the CDC, FDA, all throw in the towel, a complete confession—IT WAS ALL A HOAX—SORRY? Will the US be the last country to hop of this train heading for hell?
“Stop rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell.”—Merle Hagard
Facebook put this cute tag on my post today.
Well, I went there, and I see on their VAERS site a whole bunch of horrific numbers—injury, sickness, hospitalization, and death. When was the last time any of you visited their site? Fast link right here.
Advise you do it before lunch.
What compels a person to knowingly participate in a genocide? You don’t have to take your brain back 60 years to Germany just look around--right here in 2022. Go to any search engine and type in Sudden Death, or unexpected death. There’s also a new name being tossed around, “Instant death.” That’s all I do to create this report for you. Although, this week I’m not going to. I’ll let you do that—your homework assignment—Google Sudden Death then click images if you’re brave enough.
Das ist alles. God willing The Vaccine Reaper Report will greet you next Wednesday at 9:11am, or PM, unless the world blows up on September 24th.
En Lak ech,
Author note: This article is 999 words and six pages just in case anyone is keeping a occult word count score of 6’s and 9’s. I do. Nothing secret here at VRR. “The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society;”—John F. Kennedy.
Alzo, the published time of this report is 5:03am. The delivery time to all Lawmakers and such will be 9:11am. Thank you. Favorite car guy video.
Receipt of delivery:
Thanks for a great read. It’s no better here in PA. Shots still being relentlessly pushed. I’m so disgusted with the bastards pushing this garbage, and also the people falling for this crap. I have a friend who has a 4 year old and twin 2 year olds….all covid vaxxed. I’m waiting for the axe to fall. She probably just sterilized all of them. Cooper University Health Care System (just outside Philly) just announced a 2 billion dollar expansion. All funded by Fauci’s NIH no doubt. Now they just need to fill the space…
You mention Remdisvir - dr. fauci's vanity drug. Apparently the unvaccinated who ended up in the hospital with covid infections (or other medical problems) were treated with this end-of-life "medicine" in some hospitals exclusively! CDC protocol!! doctor's orders!! Isolate the patient. No welfare checks from family members! tie the patients down and administer the sedative, if they try to resist. intubate the patient while conscious! Our front line heroes! f-ers.