Dr. Tenpenny has just released her second article on the joys of adding insects on your burger. She will be selling a bug cookbook soon on her Substack. You can bank on it. Probably a special discount offer for all paid subscribers.
If you’re worried about taste stop it. Get over your fears. She’s already went and tasted them all. She writes:
Aren’t bees supposed to be very important for human survival? I think they pollinate our plants. Medicine and science use to know this. Do you think we should be eating baby bees? Does that sound like good medical advice during a global genocide where our food source is being attacked?
In the article she pimps protein. Remember back when we learned proteins were bad, but only if they were spiked? Does anyone know how much daily protein is required for the human body? It’s been a long time since I looked it up. It was back when I was running marathons—early 90’s. Protein is supposed to be good for rebuilding your body after long runs. At least that was the science back then of which there wasn’t any dispute between scientist and medical doctors. They both agreed. Amazing.
They also both agreed that animal meat was a good source of protein and we humans were fine with it because it tasted good. A win / win. In my research I learned about a protein source that seem to be on the down low. They weren’t promoting it or discussing it much. I think it was the look, maybe the taste too. But, let me tell you it is a cool looking plant to have in the garden. It does take a little room. It’s not a small plant. I wonder why Dr. T doesn’t mention it as a protein source.
If broccoli as a source of good healthy protein interests you research it. It’s fascinating to learn how much we’ve been lied to. If you choose bugs as a new protein source have dental floss handy to remove the wings and legs.
I’ve written a lot about these frontline doctors and medical scientists, primarily about the size of their head swelling after the CV19 scam was launched that led to their bank account $welling in our genocide. I wrote about our cunning enemy and how they might be able to lure a good doctor / scientist onto their bug eating $ide.
Sometime back in September of 2022 I began a lesson from Universe. It’s called, The Green $tench. I feel I’m near the end of the lesson, but maybe there’s The Green $tench 102 following it. Universe hasn’t told me yet. It might be waiting for the dollar to officially die before it starts. If there is an additional le$$on you can bet your a$$ I’ll be a student.
Yesterday while working in Ghost Gardens and thinking about Dr. T’s endorsement of eating bugs which is perfectly in line with comments made by WEF founder Klaus Schwab, I found a giant winged bug.
Doesn’t it look delicious? Six legs and two long wings. A beautiful orange belly that probably adds to the delicate vegetable flavor. I wonder if Dr. T has tried this one. I plan on spending the rest of the day in an attempt to identify it. If you have any free time today perhaps you could join me.
It was dead but not from any insecticides. GG is all organic. Although, the Khazarian’s have stolen the word, “organic.” Organic has practically been re-defined as anything you eat especially bugs. I’d bet a Swanson Dinner made back in the 50’s is far healthier than anything in a can or box in Safeway today. Back in 1960 it cost a whopping fifty-nine cents. This picture might even bring back fond memories too.
Ghost Gardens has a lot of bugs in it and I love it. I’m a bug guy. I’ve photographed hundreds of different bugs in my garden. If this Substack survives through the summer you will see me post some numerous bug pictures. I once even created a bug war in my garden.
I bought a bunch of praying mantis larva for my Guns-n-Roses garden box. This was the battlefield between the praying mantis and aphids. It was more a slaughter fest than a war, kind of like the US’s illegal invasion of Iraq or pretty much every war they’ve been in fighting for the Khazarain Mafia. Although, we may have gotten our ass kicked in Vietnam, but we killed more than they did. It’s just a matter of how you score it. After the war all remaining insects were allowed to peacefully graze the garden and not have to worry about a human throwing them on top of a burger on the grill.
Dr. T doesn’t mention what ants taste like. Probably because you need a few thousand to taste anything. GG has ants too.
It looks crunchy. There’s three parts to the body. Maybe it tastes like a Three Musketeer candy bar. Doubt it.
Are you tired of pesky flies landing on your food? Why not eat them. A new concept, new idea started around 2020. GG has them too. Who doesn’t. Doctor T doesn’t describe the taste of flies and she would probably recommend you eat them as maggots before they transform into a fly. And, that leads us to what do maggots taste like? Soft and chewy perhaps they taste like marshmallows.
Who named the Fly? Did Adam back in the Terrestrial Paradise? When you look at some of the animal names you know there were mushrooms being grown in their garden.
I really focused on this picture and got a good clear picture. Does it make you hungry? Me either. How about a grilled cheese fly sandwich? Maybe add a little onion which is a known superfood and Dr. T should know this. I eat onions almost every day.
While collecting these amazing award-winning bug photos in my garden an idea popped into my head. Perhaps I could partner into a business deal with Sherri. I could provide her with all natural, all organic bugs from Ghost Gardens to add to her expanding list of products she sells on her Substack, shirts, hats, pillows, organic super protein and silver and gold. Www.TenpennyAlliance.GoldAndSilver. Business. I wonder if she still has time to see anyone who is sick from the CV19 vaccine.
The financial bug opportunities are just sitting there like an apple on a tree waiting to be picked. It will have a worm in it too.
“Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field of which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, yea shall not ear of every tree of the garden. And the woman said unto the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden.”—Genesis 3:1-2
A few years ago a snake showed up at Ghost Gardens and hung around awhile. Is it possible to telepathically communicate with a snake? Are some already doing it? What is the snake telling them? Will the $nake mislead them? Wide and broad is the path that leads to destruction.
Isn’t it interesting that the word gene is in the name of the first book of the bible?
DON’T EAT FUCKING BUGS. If it was healthy and wise to eat bugs we would find it scattered throughout our human history. Humans discovered long ago it wasn’t healthy. If it was healthy and wise no human would have ever starved to death.
I’m co-authoring my own cook book with Jeff H. I will act like a big time money whore and sell on my Substack. I hope all of you will consider buying it. We’ll create a charity organization and all profits will go to it. Sixty-six ways to cook and eat Reptilians. If it sells well we plan to add another alien cook book that is more in line with the new bug eating being pushed right now. Thirty-three delicious Mantis recipes.
VRR fun writing fact: It is now perfectly acceptable to write cookbook verses cook book. I prefer the old school English and choose cook book.
VRR fun Google search: Google searching Dr. Tenpenny’s name doesn’t mention her as a doctor but rather an American activist. So am I. We’re in the same profession.
Read Ray Horvath’s post today on Miracle Cures.
Read Pasheen Stonebrooke’s post on Do not eat
I remember back in grade school we read some article about some starving African child about to eat a termite queen. The caption said "it tastes like sour cream"
I thought "There's not a cow, dairy or refrigerator within a gazillion miles of that starving kid, how tf could he make the comparison?"
WTF. Eating bugs is why chickens and ducks exist, as well as Rottweilers. (Mine was the best fly catcher ever). Bugs aren't even that good for dogs either. Tenpennys gone crazy, wonder who is behind this.