I’ve been talking a lot about seeing. Most in the alt community would describe themselves as awakened. They would claim they see. I could see they can’t see. Some have millions of followers. Which probably hinders more than helps us. They stop looking. They rely on their favorite awakened personality to tell them what he or she sees and they aren’t seeing it. On the alt side there should be a class on how to see. What do we look for? Maybe I’ll offer to teach it—-one semester. Show this image to your favorite awakened personality and I bet he or she never saw these hands. These aren’t humans.
Some of you have told me you must have looked at the video 100 times and didn’t see this until I published it. And now I’ll keep showing it. It’s startling to say the least. It causes subscribers to jump off the Cosmic Gunslinger train—Operation Expose Them.
I’ve got a lot better than the above photo and they know it. Don’t get too cocky thinking you’re awakened because you read Alien Greg Hunter. He claims he gets 30 million reads a month. He missed it too. I bet he missed this too.
And as the only one on planet earth to see this I’m taking credit for blowing off Hillary’s arm using my Supernatural gun. Some of you might say my aim is off. Nope. I could have blown off her head, but I only wanted to F with them. Show them CG’s can get them anywhere.
I could see being awakened isn’t good enough for this mess we are in. We need eyes like an owl. We must go to the next level. I named it the awakened, awakened level. There might be a slight problem with getting to this level. You might have to enter the Supernatural world which consists of vagabonding and looking around. Allowing Universe, a chance to work with you. Universe likes to work with wild animals so be open to that. If a bobcat crosses your path don’t sluff it off. There just might be an alien skull in the photo you took. If there is you’ll see it. And you’re seeing it for a reason. It’ll play out and make sense down the road. Another obstacle might be religion. I’ll leave that one for right now. I’m already down -14 and it’s only 5:22am. It might just work itself out as we expose them.
I wonder just how many humans looked at the 9/11 Hillary video. Every news station across planet earth must have shown it and shown it multiple times a day for X number of days. Is it possible the number is in the billions? And why did they do it? I believe they did it as an extension. The entire event was staged deception. The snake deceives. Stand out in front of billions of humans while mimicking humans is like a cocaine high to them. They feed off it. And showing it around the globe allows these THINGS to feed off it wherever they are hiding. Time to wake up Cosmic Gunslinger’s around the globe.
I sometimes wonder if the Cosmic Gunslingers drew straws to see which country each one would be responsible for, responsible for driving these parasitical aliens to their safe hole. Did I draw the United States? Did I attempt to trade it before coming in? The US might be seriously infested with these THINGS requiring more than just one CG. Regardless, I’m here I’ll take it on.
It might be the best assignment because these aliens might have a hierarchy system and Donald Trump just might be at the top.
I must say I am a little baffled by people’s inability to see, especially those claiming to be awakened. I’ve had to take my thoughts, waaaaaay out there in search of an answer. Over Christmas I ran a little visual test. At our family Christmas Eve gathering I staged an obvious item that is totally out of place. Can you see it?
It’s not Dbanjo’s toy on the floor. It wasn’t noticed. I staged another item as well and it too was totally out of place and it wasn’t noticed either. Two chances and both were missed by the attendees. Groovy.
I plan on showing more of the aliens and demons at Trump’s celebration party—show what we didn’t see. I think there are major time conflicts as well. Always start with time whenever researching false flags. Time tracks their movements. They almost always screw this one up. I’ll check that. Just know it was all wrong, alien, and evil. There are some things at this event that are so disturbing I’m not sure I can show it. It gives us insight into them but I feel it is too evil to look at so I haven’t published it. The visual camps in your mind throughout the day and returns in your dreams. We don’t need that. Ask yourself why Trump’s celebration party wasn’t held at Trump Tower. This might be big in exposing these THINGS. Remember they own the media so they will make anything up and we can snoop around. And we will.
The VRR Alien Series HERE.
Looks like a broomstick or similar leaning against the wall. How long was it there? Did anyone knock it over?
Wasn't hidden or hard to see at all.
I see a misplaced mop and a stocking hung from the top of the mirror. Is the glass of beer half full or half empty?