“This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”--Morpheus
The 911 event on September 11, 2001 was a false flag event. Most in the alternative community would agree on it. At that time Hillary Clinton was senator of New York. She defeated Republican Rick Lazio one year earlier. Immediately after the buildings collapse Hillary is being interviewed by CNN. She said,
“We have to make it very clear that we cannot permit any state, any government, any institution or individual to pursue terrorism aims that are directed at the United States or any country with impunity. So I’m hoping that this is the kind of dramatic, terrible catastrophe that unites the entire civilized world.”
I’d substitute the word deception for the word dramatic.
And Trump’s response a few days after.
“To be blunt, they were not great buildings. They only became great upon their demise last Tuesday.”
The above quotes from Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump came out of an article written by Politico Magazine on September 10, 2016 titled, WHAT TRUMP and CLINTON Did on 9/11. Is it just a coincidence that it was published just one day before the 9-11 memorial where our adventure in Wonderland begins?
As I recall the alt community didn’t immediately come out shouting false flag in 2001. I did and my poor wife had to listen to me daily for years after. Who else could I talk to? Americans wanted revenge, they wanted blood, just point and kill. Pickup trucks drove around with giant American flags mounted in the back and you know they were armed. They were mentally conditioned for what was to come next. Is it really that easy?
About three months after 9-11-2001, I remember quietly telling a co-worker who I suspected was awake. I told him I thought it was all bullshit and we knocked down the buildings. “Shit Mike, don’t say that too loud,” was his response, but he agreed.
Fifteen years later the two above, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump would face off for president of the United States and the two would also come together at a 9-11 memorial where a medical crisis would disrupt the memorial shifting the attention away from the event and onto Hillary Clinton.
Genocides are created by psychopath humans hell bent on killing a particular group of people. In our current genocides there is a belief they want to kill off around 7.5 billion and have the planet all for themselves. Really? That’s the big plan? They already have the planet for themselves. They have all the money they want, sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll. Murder too. They are free to worship Satan and all the names associated with Satan. I will argue wanting to kill 7.5 billion humans isn’t a human agenda.
Let’s say we continue this pathway carefully laid out for us by them— that the genocides are ONLY created by psycho humans. History shows us there were genocides in our past committed by what appears to be humans. I won’t list them; you can look them up. And let’s suppose in our current genocide X2 we stop both. We capture the evil psycho humans and have a great big hanging party, dust off our hands, claim victory, get drunk and play music real loud. Fine, that is great but what if the true villain’s who started it all remain alive and remain hidden? Then doesn’t it stand a chance to repeat? Maybe it takes a hundred years or more, but they’ll start laying a new foundation immediately. You’ll say we will hunt down every last one of them and punish them for their crimes. Nobody escapes. Great attitude, but what if they aren’t human and you are only looking for humans? What if they are something else, some THING far sinister than any psycho human could ever possibly be.
As scary as it may seem and challenging to our physical reality, to our five senses thinking we must. We must know what we are dealing with. How did whatever it is penetrate the human mind? How did it control it? Is it Satan, demons, archons, and aliens? Or some THING else? Let’s take an event and look into the deception. Look and see if we missed anything. It could provide us with an answer to what we are dealing with. We could then create a possible plan to deal with it. If we don’t and we think we won, IT remains hidden, the destruction of humanity will simply repeat.
Your red pill is starting to dissolve now.
On September 12, 2016 I downloaded the 9/11 memorial video where Hillary had her medical crisis. I carefully examined the video and determined she was arrested at the event and loaded into a van. The next day I published an article HILLARY CLINTON ARRESTED AT THE 9/11 MEMORIAL. Two days later, I did an internet search and discovered none of the big names in alt came up with the same conclusion. Only one other name—Jim Stone. We both posted it on the same day. A few days later he and I were still the only ones out there, waaaaaaay out there. I decided to go back and review the video. I zoomed in on her hands and went frame by frame—FUCK MIKE. YOU GOT IT WRONG. I see her hands come apart. I pulled my article. Getting it wrong might be the best thing that happened to me for this research project. It just might have led me into getting it right.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both show up for an event of which neither were scheduled to attend. This late in their campaign bid for president every minute of their time is booked out in advance to maximize their public exposure.
Two days before the event, on the ninth of September Fox News announces that Hillary will be attending the 9-11 memorial. They also announce that Trump will not be attending.
Trump tweets from September 10-12 with no mention that he will be attending this event.
Note the time stamp on the 11th of 10:34AM. Hillary tweets on the morning of the event with no mention that she’ll be at the event.
What does she mean by honoring the tremendous spirit?
The media indicate Trump and Hillary both arrive at the event at the same time—8:15am.
Note the long-haired man over Trump’s left shoulder. He will make another appearance with Trump later on.
The media has Hillary arriving at the same time. Did they ride together? There are no videos or photos of Trump stepping out of his limousine. Where are those photos?
The media provides a time when Hillary left the event, “minutes before the moment of silence,” that took place at 9:58.
Is this the moment of silence?
If it is then Hillary did not leave before the moment of silence.
Some in the media knew in advance that Hillary was going to have a medical crisis—6:37am. Some can argue the time stamp is Pacific Standard time and I say to them, prove it.
Fox News reporter Rick Levanthal tweets out a tweet with information told to him by a law enforcement source.
In a Fox News feed video time stamped 10:10AM ET FOX NEWS the announcer says at time point 0:15, “Our own Rick Leventhal is in New York. Rick Levanthal is in lower Manhattan, he saw the attacks on 9/11 fifteen years ago as well. Rick.” Sounds like Rick lives in New York which would make the time stamp accurate.
I’m attaching the audio portion of the Rick interview just in case the video gets pulled. It’s strong evidence the media knew about Hillary’s supposed medical crisis before it happened.
Rick explains Hillary’s motions in perfect detail. I’d say by 10:14AM Rick has already seen the video and you will see below that the New York post has the video by 10:19AM. Why is a certain area quarantined off from reporters? Is the area a portal? You’ll discover why I wrote that sentence near the bottom of this article.
At the beginning of the video the anchor should have asked Rick why he tweeted out the event two hours before it happened. How does she lose a shoe and it goes under the van?
Rick provides some clarity on the location. He claims it was pooled off from reporters. Why? He claims there were no cameras. There were at least two video cameras that I have found. And his Source + Source confirms she did leave early. Why does that require two sources?
Is Rick Levanthal Jewish? Does asking make me an antisemite?
New York isn’t Pacific Standard time, and abd7NY tweets out at 9:15am showing Hillary coming out of her daughter’s medical clinic. How does the media have her leaving minutes before the moment of silence at 9:58 and then coming out of her daughter’s medical apartment clinic at 9:15am?
Do you see there is a serious time conflict going on at this event? I call it time chaos. It’s in every false flag I’ve researched. They’re sloppy.
Just 21 minutes after Hillary supposedly leaves her shoe at ground zero the media already has the lone video. I say lone now, but I’ll show you images off another video that nobody has ever seen, because nobody ever looked.
Don’t just credit Zdenek. Credit the Jewish reporter team of Yoav Gonen, Kirstan Conley, Marisa Schultz, Keven Sheehan and Bruce Golding. The five of them having only a few minutes to analyze the video, and then team up and write an article and have it posted by 10:19am.
Zdenek Gazda is the person who took the video and distributed it to the media. How does a firefighter from Czech Republic get into the quarantined off area, set up a camera that is obviously on a tripod and film this? The Daily Mail calls him a hero as does Yahoo. Wired magazine claims he filmed it with an iPhone. Then how come the quality is so shitty?
Zdenek has the video pinned at the top of his Twitter account.
Is Zdenek Gazda a Jew? He loves Trump. Bet he loves Hillary too.
Loading this broken down jalopy named Hillary into a van took some time so that too would have to be factored in, so we can reduce the 21 minutes by X amount. It took 12 men and women working together to either grab ahold of Hillary or provide blockage from the lone video camera. How did the New York Post get a copy of the video in mere minutes? I will suggest they already had the video.
Computer time stamps on articles and twitter posts allow those of us researching these events with an almost exact time of movement in the event. And it traps them. Doesn’t the producer for these events inform the media they can’t post this or that until after a certain time? You’d think so but these THINGS are sloppy on details. And who knows, it might just be their way to gauge human sleepleness.
On every false flag event that I have worked there is always time discrepancy and when I find it, it’s GOLD. Some have published the entire event before it happened or just minutes after it happened. Interviews with doctors, nurses, clergy, police fire all in their post. And I think I have one or two published a day before the event.
If the date recorded is accurate then alarms should be going off in your head. They should be going off anyway. Note the camera woman behind Hillary and the ghost in a suit and tie and the man with the flag. Nice touch. Did Getty suggest it?
When Hillary arrived with her handler she was already confused and disoriented. She couldn’t understand the most basic commands. Chuck Schumer stopped by and gave her the, “Hello, is anyone home?” hand signal. Nobody was.
Note how out of focus the picture is. Very noticeable with their hair. Note the blue ribbon on the man standing in front of Hillary. Hillary’s handler tried to get Hillary to attach one on her jacket. Maybe it’s required to attend the event.
Shown here with a very confused Hillary. She is pointing showing Hillary where to pin the ribbon. She can’t understand the command and the handler takes over and pins it on Hillary’s jacket for her. Creepy Chuck looks on as he fades into a ghost.
And who is this chubby woman shadowing Hillary everywhere she goes? She was also with Hillary at a previous 9-11 memorial. Accompanied by Huma Abedin. Some claim she is Hillary’s lesbian lover.
Why isn’t Huma at the memorial event in 2016? I don’t know what year this is but it is before 2016 and as you can see Hillary’s handler hasn’t lost any weight. Hillary’s husband also attended this memorial but came separately. There’s an old man who arrives and walks up to Bill and greets him and shakes his hand.
It is Larry Silverstein. Larry signed a $3.2 billion 99 year lease weeks before the buildings came crashing down. And Larry’s famous quote related to building 7 lives on, “Pull it.”
Larry was also in attendance at the 2016 memorial.
Trumps eyes are revealing.
I’d say there is a direct connection between the Clinton’s and Trump with Larry Silverstein that has all three standing together at the 2016 9/11 memorial. Is Silverstein a Jewish name? Wasn’t Irving Berlin who gave us the song God Bless America also Jewish? Aren’t most of the senior CDC officials Jewish? There might be dots to connect here.
The bodyguards for this event are hit and miss in all of the videos and photos. What is very obvious is Hillary and Trump used one of the same bodyguards. Shown in the photo below behind Trump.
Note the long-haired man in front of Trump. The same man who was photographed behind him when he arrived. Coincidence?
Now shown here with Hillary while ghosts look on.
Did Trump and Hillary share the same security team? If so what does that tell us? If so how can they be at two places at once? That is a quantum physics debate that doesn’t transfer over to human movement, or does it? Are we looking at photos from two events?
Photo below showing Hillary after leaving her daughter’s luxury high-end apartment at 21 E. 26th street with the same security man that is photographed with Trump. She looks very rejuvenated. And for some reason there are no photo’s or video of Hillary arriving at her daughters medical apartment, but a lot of them when she is leaving.
As Hillary exits the apartment there is a crowd in an outdoor café that seats around 10 people who seem to be waiting for her.
The over heated Hillary suffering from pneumonia is dressed the same and is still wearing a long sleeve jacket.
The woman in black off to Hillary’s right was also working security for Hillary as she was dragged into the van. Note that right arm used to wave at her admirer’s.
Same security woman.
It appears it was all staged.
A small child breaks free from her mommy and runs to Hillary.
New York time 11:46am.
I’m intrigued by the color of the little girl’s shoes. Obviously, it doesn’t match her dress. Why yellow? It is one of the colors we use to identify a hazard, something toxic to humans. It’s a color of warning. A tether to another world. Keep that in mind.
Note the reflection in the glass indicates there is a white vehicle directly in front of Hillary on the curb.
There is no white vehicle parked on the curb.
The message on the strategically placed chalkboard is—EVERYONE HAS A PLAN TILL THEY GET PUNCHED IN THE FACE. It’s a Mike Tyson quote.
Why are the people at the cafe red?
Hillary again shown here with the same CNN time stamp with the little girl, but the van is positioned at an angle.
Here’s a better view.
ET time 11:46am
So, in one video clip Hillary is leaving in a van parked parallel to the curb and in another she’s leaving in a van parked at an angle.
CNN claims under the time stamp, “Reliable sources.” Did they put that there for laughter? It worked.
In this video from CBS News and Inside Edition the vans are shown parked at an angle. The van attempts to pull away after boarding Hillary and can only go two feet. I’m sure someone yelled, “CUT.” The word BLACK can be read at the staged café.
Note the hippies coming out of the door just across Hillary’s van. More weak security for a possible president of the United States.
I’m guessing they shot the scene multiple times, and the stupid idiots blotched the two versions together thinking nobody would notice. There are multiple youtube videos of this event with the highest views at 699K. I’d guess tens of millions of people around the globe watched this video. Did any of us notice? And did they just hire one security team for both candidates? Are they on the same team?
In the above photo Trump is surrounded by local New Yorkers with little to no security around him. Hillary’s bald headed security guy standing next to Trump. Governor Christie on the other side.
Note people using their phones to take photos. Note the images—none. And smartphones can be used to activate an explosive device so you’d think security wouldn’t allow anyone near the two candidates to take photos with their phones or even carry a phone to the event. And who are these people? Why are they there? Who organized this massive event? With no media announcement for Trump how did they know he’d be there?
Hillary shown with a police officer directly in front of her with a few more off to her left. Police hats are visible and only one has a gold ban around the top. A man behind Hillary looks to be taking a photo with his wallet.
When she arrived she couldn’t comprehend basic instructions on how to pin a blue ribbon on her jacket. How is she able to comprehend anything Schumer is saying to her. Chuck is also Jewish for those keeping score.
And then in another photo security disappears, and Hillary is surrounded by commoners as Trump was.
I will argue the man next to Hillary holding the phone up is Zdenek Gazda. The man who supposedly took the video of Hillary at the van. He is also photographed in the same pose with Trump using the same left hand to hold the phone.
You can see Michael Bloomberg with a noticeable lump on his upper right cheek. A lot of them at this event have the same lump including Trump and the ghoul standing next to him. And Bloomberg’s other side looks worse.
Another Jew. Cuomo looks insane.
When I found this photo of this tall black woman, I immediately thought it was President Obama’s husband.
For some reason Obama and big Mike didn’t attend.
But then I found a video showing the same woman standing with Hillary.
There are ghosts and ghouls in attendance along with the black-eyed people and more.
Black eye circled. Look at Trumps face. The knot on his face is very visible from this angle and he’s now looking like a ghoul with another standing next to him. They are having trouble holding human form.
This grey-haired ghost lady below is in numerous video scenes with both Hillary and Trump. In this picture Trump is facing her.
And in the picture below she seems to be following Hillary.
Who are these ghosts that are shadowing the two presidential candidates?
Other people were also photographed with both Hillary and Trump. Notice that Trump is positioned between the two trees. Notice the flower dressed woman.
And here is Hillary who is also with the same woman in the flowered dress and Hillary is also positioned between the two trees.
The bald-headed security guy, the black woman in the blue dress, Zdenek and now the women in the flowered dress all photographed with both candidates. How is that possible? How did we miss this? Coincidence?
Note the man casually standing behind Hillary with a camera draped over his shoulder with another one in his hand. Why isn’t he following her and taking pictures? Is he done for the day? Is Hillary walking to the event or is she walking to the van? If to the van you’d think the photographer would most definitely be following her. And as you can see Trump walks past the exact same three trees. Both of them photographed in the exact same location.
And I wonder where this Getty photo is?
Is he taking a picture of Trump’s blue jacket?
A lot of African Americans at this event too. Some shadowing Hillary like a zombie.
There’s a group at this event I call the Soul-less Black Eyed Club.
I wonder what Hillary’s eyes look like.
Maria Shriver in the black-eyed soul-less club, or is it her ghost?
Do you think they are human? Maybe further down I can convince you they aren’t.
There is a woman who accompanies Hillary’s handler. In every photo / video she is on the phone except when they drag Hillary into the van.
“I don’t think she’s going to make it. Do you have another ready just in case?”
“This one is completely malfunctioning now. We’ll need a new one fast. Can you have those THINGS bring the van around?”
“She can’t even carry her bag. We’re going to be real lucky if we even make it to the quarantined off portal. No, there is no media around us. They got all of their photo shots.” Is Zdenek there and ready to film this?”
In every false flag that I have worked there are staged phone people in them. No exception here. Same script. These THINGS have no creativity.
The claim is that Hillary became over heated. Then why didn’t she ever remove her jacket? Perhaps her jacket is hiding some THING.
Your red pill has now completely dissolved. Welcome to Wonderland.
If after reading the above you are suspicious that some of them might not be human, your gut is right. Better listen to it. The THING below touching the device that allows them to portal into this location has an Asian look to him. I call him Kato.
Kate can do some really cool tricks with his hands like pass them through the metal rails.
And does his right hand look human to you?
He’s not the only one there who can do this really cool trick with his hands.
I’d argue all of them can except Hillary. And note the van is shown in the opposite direction from the picture with Kato. I found a video shown in the opposite direction. I believe there is a way to flip a video and I think that is what somebody did and I can’t remember where I found the video.
Look what happens when these THINGS approach the metal rail.
Who can explain this? More quantum physics? Do metal rails do that when you approach them? While I was researching this and pondering all of this insanity two words kept repeating, False Reality. It’s not CGI. That’s not crazy enough. It does this in their world, where they come from.
I noticed CNN and other media were intentionally blurring out Hillary’s right shoulder, the one you seen her using to wave to the crowd as she exited her daughters medical facility.
I don’t know how many views the video received from around the globe but I wouldn’t be surprised if it reached close to a billion. Everyone I know has seen this video and I’d bet everyone you know has seen it too. What you are about to see is what everyone missed and why the media blurred it out.
Her arm is literally torn off. Almost completely disconnected. What happened?
Shown here still intact.
Notice the bald-headed shape-shifting ghoul walking to get around front. Going frame by frame it appears as soon as this THING passes in front of Hillary her arm explodes.
Hillary doesn’t even react. The ghoul immediately notices it.
It doesn’t appear there was any natural physical force that blew off her arm it just happened. Baldy then quickly moves in.
As he lifts up her arm the tear in her jacket closes together. Compare the above photo and look at the gap. If you download the video you can clearly see her arm is close to falling off. Going frame by frame I have determined that the ugly purple thing circled is Hillary’s hand. How the entire arm doesn’t just fall off is a mystery. The bald headed monster is holding onto it and appears to pull on it to force Hillary into the van.
And photos taken off the video show Trump has problems holding human form with his hand as well.
Do you see Trumps smiling face on the phone screen or something that looks alien?
How they mimic human form is good but it isn’t perfect.
And the person standing next to Trump, Governor Christie is also having trouble with his hands.
Going frame by frame a strange digit appears to shoot out of Christie’s hand. Note the change in color. An indication of what these THINGS might look like. And this THING is running for president in 2024. Just replace one THING with another THING.
Here’s an ad by the media for this event. The ad says it is to honor the attack on our nation. It sure has a lot of ET’s in it and it appears they sure want people to watch it and then their deception game takes off and the feeding frenzy begins.
It kind of seems like they are telling us there will be a lot of ET’s there doesn’t it?
And there’s this.
How does Hillary’s arm suddenly blow up and she doesn’t even look at it? Wouldn’t it be very painful? Note if she’s a malfunctioning cyborg.
Maybe an electrical fault can create an explosion.
Above I mentioned the lone video. Time traveler reporter Rick Levanthal told us the area was quarantined off so that explains why there aren’t multiple video’s for the Hillary arm explosion. And wouldn’t it have been cool if instead of her arm her head exploded. That would require some extra blurring. Here is a better picture showing it flipped in the opposite direction.
I also found a very short video taken directly behind Hillary so we know there were at least two videos that were taken from two different locations.
I’ve been researching these THINGS who are mimicking human form for about ten years. My research shows they have major problems holding human form with their hands. I don’t know why that is. I find it very interesting in the movie The Thing the first human body part to change alien is the hands. I bet Hollywood has met a few of these THINGS.
How did we miss it? Millions, possibly billions of people on YouTube and other news stations looked at it and going through the comments nobody mentions it, nor do any of the top researchers on our side. I am now glad I got it wrong. If I didn’t go back in to look I might have never found the mountain of evidence shown above that suggest this was a false flag event and Hillary and Donald Trump were participants. I might not have found the bald headed ghoul security guard being used by both Hillary and Trump and I wouldn’t have found those THINGS. I wouldn’t have noticed Hillary’s arm getting blown off.
After noticing the ghoul hands and noticing them passing through the metal rail I went out to my garden and began meditating on it. I threw out this question—WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS? An immediate one word response came back ARCHONS. What are archons? I went back into the hose and did an internet search using the word archon. A David Icke on youtube came up. I listened to it and David’s description fits these THINGS perfectly. They invert everything. Isn’t that exactly what we have all noticed since 2020? Pervert and distort everything to the point where some college professors can’t even give a definition for the word woman.
But then how do we explain the black-eyed soul-less beings? Governor Christie’s alien digit? The shadowing ghosts? The very human looking black eyed group might be a manifestation of deep demonic possession. Christie’s digit is alien. This event was organized by aliens, archons and demonically possessed humans for the sole purpose of mass deception. It satisfies all parties involved and they feed off it.
This is what we are up against and it is these THINGS fueling the Israeli slaughter of the people in Gaza and then feeding off it. It is these THINGS who are responsible for genocide #1 and genocide #2.
I spent six weeks researching the above event. Every day, every free minute I had for six weeks. Just before the election I knew we were fucked with either one. The THING masquerading around as Donald Trump boasts about Operation Warp Speed. He laughs about bringing in an untested vaccine. Does that sound human to you? As I close this out I’m looking at all of the other evidence I have on this event, of these THINGS. I could easily write a book. I might add an additional post on this but I have more bombs to drop on them from other events—additional exposing.
These THINGS can be defeated. I’ve been dealing with them and attacked by them since 2016. The encounters teach me things about them and how to fight them. So I welcome them and they’ve gotten their asses kicked every single time. I can share that, share how to defeat these THINGS in future posts. The way things are going that might have to be rushed. My problem with some of this is explaining the unexplainable. I can’t find the words.
I have to credit my two sources for helping me see these THINGS. They started showing them to me in 2015.
I’ve written about them many times on my SS. They were instrumental in bringing me an alien in my family room of which I recorded. The owls set it up with numerous visits and many of those visits I recorded the owls. As you probably know I have been recording them for many years.
I will eventually get around to posting that video and explain how it came to me. They know I have it. I have all of my material on multiple flash drives scattered amongst various people. So if they were lucky and some how took it there are more copies out there.
I’ll leave you with a very nice photo of Donald Trump at the 2016 nine-eleven memorial. Credit BBC News.
I might suggest you download this article and save it. Share it too. I’d also suggest you download Zednka’s video so that you have a copy of it in case they pull it. The reason they are leaving it up is because they continue to feed off it. As long as it continues to deceive they can feed off it. I speculate. If you have iMovie or another movie program you can zoom in and go frame by frame, you will find everything that I posted above including Christies alien digit.
Final thought. My paranormal explosion happened on November 19, 2016. I started recording the spirits and listening to them. Some times I would go into a trance. Once I heard two spirits talking about Donald Trump. One spirit said, “Trump is an asshole.” The other replied, “I know but he’s dead now.”
The date is 3-27-2017. They aren’t hiding. Start looking for them.
Link to the entire VRR alien series HERE
Spent most of day deciphering med jargon for a friend in need, before rolling out to a gettin place where I liberated a bottle of Old Crow sour mash Kentucky wish key to free myself. I'm not sure if what you laid down was an intel brief or a rant, but I'm pretty sure you're quietly pitching to build a team.
Fuck it. I'm in.
Laughed at how many times during the brief I knew newbies excused themselves to never return. You are on it Mike. This will not end well for us, so let's at least wear some cool ass hats, and poke them in their black eyes please.
I'm in binge mode. Send what you got!
Dude! I’ve been in it. Go to Amazon. Check out my book “Trigger of God.” Written in 2006. My objective was to write an “accessible” piece of commercial fiction that lured normies into the discussion. I’m currently adapting it for a streaming series. And trying to get Amazon to bite.