15 Days to flatten the curve
Remember when day 15 arrived and that goddamn curve was just as curvy if not more. Every health expert, and every world leader, and every lawmaker all swore it would take 15 days to flatten the invisible Covid 19 curve. Where did they get that number? Did Dr. Birx pull it out of her ass?
With the piece of paper they are holding showing us the Covid 19 curve the virus then becomes visible. We finally get to see what the so called “health experts,” see. They guide us along, directing the science, and point right at it. See it? It’s right there.
The curve in one of their propaganda graphs looks like a woman’s breast, probably a D cup. The goal is to bring it down to around a B cup preferably lower. If we do nothing, it’ll grow like a giant penis shown in the graph.
It started growing. CDC even hired Santa Claus in an attempt to “flatten the curve,” and it only got fatter.
Their depression was obvious.
Many started questioning the government, “What the fuck are you doing?” Government made a new chart for us telling us what they are doing.
Didn’t work.
The government then changed the wording around more for us because the flattening shit wasn’t flattening. Let’s try SLOWING THE SPREAD.” If we can’t flatten it maybe we slooooow it down. It should only take 15 days. There’s that number again. Science really has the number of days dialed in.
And then it happened. On a hot summer day about 30,000 inconsiderate assholes broke quarantine and went to a Florida beach. They were observed drinking beer and frolicking in the water. Some were even throwing frisbee’s around.
SPIKE. Red penis virus graph picture just got bigger. Slowing the spread would take a little longer. Add another 15 days. Not 17, 22, 19 and half and twelve seconds, but 15 more days. Thanks to the inconsiderate, the non-believing, those who know this is all bullshit.
Those beautiful sun-tanned people in bikinis enjoying sun, flesh, and sand just added 15 more days.
Try it again and add another 15 days.
At the 30 day mark the CDC, media, government had us debating mask’s, funerals, more numbers on social gatherings and we lost count. Forgot to count our heads were spinning in a sea of science lies. A weatherman by the name of Phil Connors was the first to notice we were way over the number 30.
Phil got fired.
Readers we are on day 912 of their fabricated insanity. They feel it slipping. Introduce a new emergency—Monkey Pox / Tomato Flu. It’s all they have. Desperation. They created the virus problem, reaction, solution but fucked up the solution part real bad. They didn’t do tell well anticipating our reaction either. Message to the perpetrators---THE RAGE IS COMING.